Modern MA training tool

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
Some computer technology can trace your body movement. By using this technology, you can examine whether your

- punch landing coordinate with your foot landing.
- hand coordinate with foot.
- elbow coordinate with knee.
- shoulder coordinate with hip.

It's an excellent MA training tool. Your thought?

Some computer technology can trace your body movement. By using this technology, you can examine whether your

- punch landing coordinate with your foot landing.
- hand coordinate with foot.
- elbow coordinate with knee.
- shoulder coordinate with hip.

It's an excellent MA training tool. Your thought?

This really doesn't have any value for me and what I do. This would be better for someone who is more interested in understanding the science of body mechanics and physics. Not my cup of tea.
This really doesn't have any value for me and what I do. This would be better for someone who is more interested in understanding the science of body mechanics and physics. Not my cup of tea.
If you freeze your body and just punch with your arm, this tool can detect it right away. IMO, all the "muscle group isolation" issue can be detected by using this tool.
Before even clicking this thread...

-I knew that
-Kung Fu Wang
-would divide his sentence
-in this same way.

Your thoughts?
If you freeze your body and just punch with your arm, this tool can detect it right away. IMO, all the "muscle group isolation" issue can be detected by using this tool.
all of the muscle group isolation can be detected, but me spending time trying to take that data and make use of it isn't going to help me, I know where I have the problems for the most part. For example, My body is tense and that machine isn't going to show me how to relax more.
all of the muscle group isolation can be detected, but me spending time trying to take that data and make use of it isn't going to help me, I know where I have the problems for the most part. For example, My body is tense and that machine isn't going to show me how to relax more.
A: What do you think about the video that I just put up?
B: When your leading foot land on the ground, your punch has not fully complete yet. There are about 10% off from your body coordination.
A: How can you prove it?
B: Use this tool. Put it in slow speed. You can see it yourself.
Hmm...I found it interesting. I think it could help in determining the structure and alignment of the body at a finer scale than a video alone.

Where can one get this?
I suppose if it shows your motion in real time it could have value for displaying incorrect position through the movement. We have tried to calculate things like acceleration using a camera/video and time and it is never very accurate. Really need an accelerometer or at least accurate start/stop position and time. Not certain how accurate it would be measuring speed either. But seeing your wire frame like that could be of benefit.
I always want to check whether my punch and my front foot landing can be coordinated 100% or not. If I have this tool, I should be able to measure it.
Yes, I agree it would be informative, in determining coordinated body motion.
Some computer technology can trace your body movement. By using this technology, you can examine whether your

- punch landing coordinate with your foot landing.
- hand coordinate with foot.
- elbow coordinate with knee.
- shoulder coordinate with hip.

It's an excellent MA training tool. Your thought?

I liked this:
Coach's Eye Video App
I use coach's eye for basketball and found it to be a really good tool to help provide feedback to individual players. Never really thought about using it for karate. Strangely, I take videos for just that purpose, just never thought of using coach's eye. Thanks for helping me over that brain fart.
A: What do you think about the video that I just put up?
B: When your leading foot land on the ground, your punch has not fully complete yet. There are about 10% off from your body coordination.
A: How can you prove it?
B: Use this tool. Put it in slow speed. You can see it yourself.

What I've learned through sparring is that there is a lot of feeling and observation involved. These are things that I don't think can be learned by watching a computer software analyzing you.

Body coordination changes depending on the position you are in. The trick is how to coordinate your body on the fly. To me that's a sensory thing that people learn by doing it and not by watching a analysis like that.

Here's an example, I used to take gymnastics and all the flips that I did were learned from me learning when to jump, how to rotate my body, and these are things that I can't look at a video and improve on. As for proof. I don't care too much about trying to prove how hard I can hit or the power I can hit someone with. I rather do that in sparring and when that guy or gal says. You are hitting me hard then I know I'm doing it right. I have a video of me doing body conditioning training and I switch it up on my training partner. Even though I wasn't driving a lot of power into the kick or punch, you can see his reaction as he tried to play off the pain. To me that's proof. How did my opponent or sparring partner react.

In terms of slow motion. I rather see just regular video in slow motion. So far what I've seen from previous video analysis like that is that they only show what was already known to be true. If someone doesn't believe me then that's fine. If I get an opportunity to spar with them, then I"ll prove it through experience.

The only thing I've ever tried to prove on MT was that I was able to do a specific technique in sparring against a resisting partner. That's good enough for me.
I use coach's eye for basketball and found it to be a really good tool to help provide feedback to individual players. Never really thought about using it for karate. Strangely, I take videos for just that purpose, just never thought of using coach's eye. Thanks for helping me over that brain fart.
Let me know how well it works with Martial arts