Senior Master
I understand what you are saying about long or short. I also watched that lady professor's youtube video as well and she makes these distinctions, but then the written part doesn't match what she is saying. Also my name has the soo or su sound in it, and before I started telling them how to write it, they would sometimes spell it in hangul with or without the downward stroke on the second character above on my monogrammed belts. I think to everyone but the native speaker, these distinctions are hard to hear much less say properly. But the point I am trying to make is that it is a closer pronunciation to goop that it is to cup.
Fair enough.
I sometimes hear Korean born instructors pronouncing it like cup, but they are the same ones that pronounce it Tie Kwondo. I think they got tired of trying to correct the students and gave up trying.
That disappoints me...
I am sure there are english words that americans pronounce differently, and no doubt your pronunciation is the correct one, given that you are english living in england, but that doesn't make the American pronunciation correct.
The funny think is I don't think so much of the differences in pronunciation, but in the different words we use. I still chuckle like a child sometimes when you guys talk about your pants