Mayweather vs McGregor

Brendan Schaub made a good point.

With the problems the UFC is having, MacGregor has all the leverage on them. He could demand money and a percentage of ownership of the UFC to fight again.

UFC can't force him to fight....they can only stop him from fighting and with this payday he doesn't need the UFC as much as the UFC needs him.

Will be interesting.

Yeah. He should in theory have some sort of career in just promoting the sport. Be it commentary or something.
that's just for boxing isn't it?.
he wouldn't be doing other boxing match that soon anyway

In theory you get 3 or so months notice for a fight anyway. So you can properly do a camp.

In theory.
that's just for boxing isn't it?.
he wouldn't be doing other boxing match that soon anyway

I'm not sure because I think in the US the state athletic boards control MMA as well, I don't know if the Nevada Athletic Commission ruling means he can't fight in Nevada or it's binding on elsewhere in the States. Perhaps someone can tell us how it works?
He could fight MMA straight after his boxing bout in the UK if he wanted because we have no governing body for MMA to stop him, so he could fight on the UFC in the UK any time. I assume the boxing authorities here would stick with the ban and he wouldn't be able to box here for the stipulated time not that I think he will or at least not yet, he wouldn't fight for any less money for sure.
I'm not sure because I think in the US the state athletic boards control MMA as well, I don't know if the Nevada Athletic Commission ruling means he can't fight in Nevada or it's binding on elsewhere in the States. Perhaps someone can tell us how it works?
He could fight MMA straight after his boxing bout in the UK if he wanted because we have no governing body for MMA to stop him, so he could fight on the UFC in the UK any time. I assume the boxing authorities here would stick with the ban and he wouldn't be able to box here for the stipulated time not that I think he will or at least not yet, he wouldn't fight for any less money for sure.
I think it's technically just Nevada. But I don't imagine another state would let him fight until the Nevada rule was fulfilled. They'd probably only let him fight if they didn't agree with Nevada's ruling or found extenuating circumstances. I think the standard is 90 days minimum and physician clearance after a KO/TKO. I remember Mike Tyson wasn't allowed to fight in Nevada for different reasons for a period, so he fought in Memphis, Tennessee once and possibly somewhere else during that ban.

Someone in the know explained it to me a while back, but my memory might be messing with me.

Last I heard, MMA wasn't under the same athletic commissions as boxing, but some commissions/states were trying. That was a while ago too. As MMA's popularity increases, I'm sure it'll fall under the same commissions where and if it hasn't already.
I think it's technically just Nevada. But I don't imagine another state would let him fight until the Nevada rule was fulfilled. They'd probably only let him fight if they didn't agree with Nevada's ruling or found extenuating circumstances. I think the standard is 90 days minimum and physician clearance after a KO/TKO.

Didn't they pass a federal law in US years back that all states have to honor each commission's suspensions?

He could go outside the US and fight though.
Didn't they pass a federal law in US years back that all states have to honor each commission's suspensions?

He could go outside the US and fight though.
It's possible.

If they did, I'd guess they only have to honor suspensions for certain things. Things like certain medical and doping suspensions. If NYS had a rule where they denied me a boxing license due to unpaid parking tickets (it wouldn't be that illogical if you knew NYS :) ), I doubt Nevada would have to uphold the suspension.

I don't know if there's a federal law, as pretty much every state has the same major rules. And if you circumvent the states' rules, the boxing bodies themselves can refuse to sanction the fight. Just because Nevada says you can fight doesn't guarantee the WBA, WBC, IBF, et al will allow you to.

Edit: 12 years ago, but still somewhat relevant. Tyson fought Lennox Lewis in Memphis because Nevada refused to license Tyson after the press conference brawl...

Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson - Wikipedia
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Found it.

It's the Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, known as the "Full Faith and Credit Clause", that addresses it.

All states have to honor suspensions.

Joe Mesi was 36-0 but received a lifetime suspension from Nevada athletic commision due to a brain bleed and was essentially blackballed from fighting in the U.S. because of it.
Found it.

It's the Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, known as the "Full Faith and Credit Clause", that addresses it.

All states have to honor suspensions.

Joe Mesi was 36-0 but received a lifetime suspension from Nevada athletic commision due to a brain bleed and was essentially blackballed from fighting in the U.S. because of it.
Interesting. I'm not much of a legalese, so bear with me...

I assume you took the Mesi info from Wikipedia. Was the article of the constitution cited if/when he tried to box in another state?

If the states had to honor Nevada's ban of Mesi, why wasn't Tyson's ban honored by Tennessee? Even crazier scenario: if Tyson was killed in the ring, could Tennessee's commission be held liable by his estate because they didn't enforce Nevada's ban?

I think it's pretty obvious that no state is going to license a boxer with a brain hemorrhage, but I'm not convinced they absolutely have to honor the ban if they have reasonable evidence not to.

Another scenario:
Let's say...
I'm licensed to box in Utah. They don't license convicted felons. I get a lifetime ban from Utah due to a felony embezzlement conviction. I do my time, get released, and want to box again. Nevada allows convicted felons to get a license, so I apply there. Does Nevada have to honor Utah's ban?

For the record, I don't think Utah has a convicted felon clause. Being Utah and all, you never know though.

I know I'm going off on a tangent here, as the original intent was injury not anything else. But I don't think McGregor's ban has to be enforced across the US because Nevada pulled his license. Rather, I think it's a matter of no one will license a boxer to compete before 90 days minimum and physician clearance following a KO/TKO. Mesi probably wasn't licensed anywhere else because of his medical condition, not because Nevada specifically. But again, I'm no lawyer, so what do I know?

Sorry for the sidetrack.
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Interesting. I'm not much of a legalese, so bear with me...

I assume you took the Mesi info from Wikipedia. Was the article of the constitution cited if/when he tried to box in another state?

If the states had to honor Nevada's ban of Mesi, why wasn't Tyson's ban honored by Tennessee? Even crazier scenario: if Tyson was killed in the ring, could Tennessee's commission be held liable by his estate because they didn't enforce Nevada's ban?

I think it's pretty obvious that no state is going to license a boxer with a brain hemorrhage, but I'm not convinced they absolutely have to honor the ban if they have reasonable evidence not to.

Another scenario:
Let's say...
I'm licensed to box in Utah. They don't license convicted felons. I get a lifetime ban from Utah due to a felony embezzlement conviction. Nevada allows convicted felons to get a license. Does Nevada have to honor Utah's ban?

I know I'm going off on a tangent here, as the original intent was injury not anything else. But I don't think McGregor's ban has to be enforced across the US because Nevada pulled his license. Rather, I think it's a matter of no one will license a boxer to compete before 90 days following a KO/TKO.

Sorry for the sidetrack.
I know this was a long time ago but there was also Muhammad alis thing. He wouldn't get liscenced in certain states because of his refusal to go in the war, but he got liscenced in other places around America
I know this was a long time ago but there was also Muhammad alis thing. He wouldn't get liscenced in certain states because of his refusal to go in the war, but he got liscenced in other places around America
I didn't know about that. Thanks!
Now that's how you go out as a winner when you lose a fight. It was good right up to the point when he started talking about "If that was a real fight." I think people understand the danger of turning one's back to the opponent. Even at McDojos, that conversation comes up. I didn't think he needed to say that. People also understand that the fight would have had a different outcome if was an MMA match and not a Boxing match. Even Mayweather understands that's. I always wonder why some boxers get in the ring with Muay Thai people. Mayweather didn't make that mistake. But other than that I like his response to his loss. He didn't make any excuses, and I'm assuming he didn't watch the TKO part of his fight. He got hit more than what he though so good job on the Referee for keeping the safety of the fighters in mind.
I didn't know about that. Thanks!
Just had a quick check on that to make sure I was right and yep he got licenced to fight in Atlantic city and the after that fight he got liscenced to fight in New York
Brendan Schaub made a good point.

With the problems the UFC is having, MacGregor has all the leverage on them. He could demand money and a percentage of ownership of the UFC to fight again.

UFC can't force him to fight....they can only stop him from fighting and with this payday he doesn't need the UFC as much as the UFC needs him.

Will be interesting.
If he gets a piece of ownership of the ufc that'll be a joke. He's a fighter UFC have hundreds of them. They don't /need/ him People said the same about randy couture, chuck Liddell, Brock Lesnar, ronda rousey, tito Ortiz about how the ufc needs them but they survived without them and they'll survive without mcgregor.
If he gets a piece of ownership of the ufc that'll be a joke. He's a fighter UFC have hundreds of them. They don't /need/ him People said the same about randy couture, chuck Liddell, Brock Lesnar, ronda rousey, tito Ortiz about how the ufc needs them but they survived without them and they'll survive without mcgregor.

Easy to see how much you love Conor lol. The thing is, he now doesn't need the UFC, he's a brand all on his own, he's got what Bob Geldorf calls 'FU money' meaning he can do whatever he likes. That of course is something some people are jealous about. He doesn't think the UFC needs him but he knows that as they are a business they'll want him at the moment because he's an asset, they won't turn that down, why would they?
He's a fighter UFC have hundreds of them.

Except those 100s don't sell pay per views

Miocic---isn't bad but doesn't sell great


The Jones fiasco hurt Cormier selling power....and even before he wasn't as accepted because of Jones

Bisping doesn't sell

Woodley can't sell

Ferguson doesn't sell

Holloway doesn't sell

Garbrandt could be a star but he is hurt

Mighty Mouse is probably pound for pound best and doesn't sell.

Macgregor, Rousey, and Jones were the only ones putting up big ppv buys.

Between injuries and failed drug tests the UFC has had some really rotten luck lately.
I assume you took the Mesi info from Wikipedia. Was the article of the constitution cited if/when he tried to box in another state?

Yes but I was familiar with Mesi.....he was close to getting a major title fight when the rug got pulled out from under him. He sued multiple times and lost all his suits due to that clause.

If the states had to honor Nevada's ban of Mesi, why wasn't Tyson's ban honored by Tennessee? Even crazier scenario: if Tyson was killed in the ring, could Tennessee's commission be held liable by his estate because they didn't enforce Nevada's ban?

Nevada did not suspend Tyson's license they rejected his application for a license. Rejections are not suspensions. the Full Faith and Credit Clause does not require Rejections to me honored....only suspensions (medical or suspensions for failed drug tests)

I think it's pretty obvious that no state is going to license a boxer with a brain hemorrhage, but I'm not convinced they absolutely have to honor the ban if they have reasonable evidence not to.

You would be surprised. Used to be common practice for boxers with questionable health to shop around for licenses.

I'm licensed to box in Utah. They don't license convicted felons. I get a lifetime ban from Utah due to a felony embezzlement conviction. I do my time, get released, and want to box again. Nevada allows convicted felons to get a license, so I apply there. Does Nevada have to honor Utah's ban?

That wouldn't be a suspension....that would be a rejection of license application....and wouldn't fall under the Full Faith and Credit Clause

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