Macho Talk

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
I have collected some macho talk from my online book reading. Please add in some more if you feel like to share.

I will beat you up that

- your own mother won't be able to recognize you.
- you will regret that your mother ever brought you into this world.
- you won't be able to take care of yourself for the rest of your life.
- you will need to pick up all your missing teeth from the ground.
- you will feel that death is not that bad after all.

Here are some more:

- I don't wait for 10 years to take my revenge. If I need, I just take care of that business on the same day.
- If God is in my way, I'll kill God. If Buddha is in my way, I'll kill Buddha.
- In front of me, if you are a dragon, you need to crawl like a snake. If you are a tiger, you need to lay down as a cat.
- I don't punch, I don't kick, I don't kill. I just throw all my enemies into the outer space.
"Bow down to me now and I'll put you in a wheelchair instead of a coffin" - what I said to my opponent before winning championship

"Oh I can't wait to the 28th, I'm gonna make you my girlfriend! I want you to kiss me good with those big lips." -Mike Tyson Trashtalking
I've never seen the point of trash talk, other than to sell tickets, of real life threats, they don't seem as poetic as the fight game or movies

more along the lines of,,,, I'm going to kick the ????out of you
I'm going to knock your teeth down your throat
and the old favourite

do you like hospital food ?
I'll give you that many lefts you'll be begging for a right ..


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Trash talk is kinda' fun, shouldn't be taken seriously. I always enjoyed getting trash talked to.
I've never seen the point of trash talk
It throws an opponent off his game and causes the opponent to think about something else other than fighting. It's no different than a warrior's scream just before they go to battle. If you can destroy your opponent's comfort, focus, and confidence before the physical battle, then you'll be able to win the fight much easier. If you had to face a group of guys on the other battlefield and they went through this routine. Then it would shake you, just because they have the comfort to taunt you, and when they taunt you then they look like freaking crazy.

The other benefit of trash talking is that it is a confidence builder. It allows you to test your opponent before you fight. You can tell if your opponent is mentally weak or strong. You can tell if he or she has a weak or strong focus just from how the opponent reacts to your trash talk. When you see that your opponent is weak, it makes you feel better about your possibility of coming out on top. When you hear yourself talk tough then it helps you to believe that you are tough. No one goes into a fight telling themselves that they are going to get stomped and be taken to the hospital.

The trash talk that you speak of in front of the camera is done for show. The trash talk that I speak of is the stuff that happens when the camera isn't around. When there is no camera, and when there are no tickets, then there's a purpose for it.
Trash talk is kinda' fun, shouldn't be taken seriously. I always enjoyed getting trash talked to.
It takes a strong personality to deal with trash talk effectively. The fact that you enjoy it says a lot about your ability to handle it.
The one I used when I worked in a bad neighborhood and the thugs wanted to jump me. "Tell them to come and I'll drag their bodies down the street so others will know." This was my answer when I was told I was going to get jumped at night as soon as I left work.

Basketball trash talk.
"You can't handle this, your breath still smells like Similac." Trash talk in basketball game. It's in reference to someone's skills being the same as an infant.
"Whose your daddy?" you say it right before you shake someone and score.
"Go get your mom" general reference that you are sleeping with the guy's mom. (obviously young man's trash talk) or old man talking to younger opponent.

Then you have the old skool trash talking.
Me: I got something for you
My opponent: What!?
Me: Deez nuts (These nuts.)

The Deez nuts jokes /trash talk can go on forever.

Some trash talk is for fun and some is to just irritate the mess out of the person you are competing against.

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