Like vs Thanks


Green Belt
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
How do we generally prefer to have our posts acknowledged? I've seen a 'Like' link and a 'thanks' link, and of course there is always the simply reply method.
The like seems more touchy feely, little heart next to it. Thanks, for something informative and pertinent. Both are good, but, based on different ideas. Then, there is the reply that helps build up post count. :)

It is entirely up to the giver.
Personally I will click 'like' for a post that seems especially helpful, because the user gets a notification saying they received a new like.

But it is all up to you....have fun with the features, they are there for the enjoyment :)
There is no Official Position on the Thanks/Like issue.

Personally, I tend to use Thanks as the most casual, Like for particularly good posts, and REP for the very best (or very worst, since it is the only one of the three that allows negatives).
There is no Official Position on the Thanks/Like issue.

Personally, I tend to use Thanks as the most casual, Like for particularly good posts, and REP for the very best (or very worst, since it is the only one of the three that allows negatives).

that's pretty much how i choose to do things :) if somone takes something from a piece that i've written and understands the way it was meant to then that gets a "like" otherwise it just depends on what mood my puter is in (it doesn't always like my mouse :( )
I'm just the opposite on Thanks vs. Likes!

I can see that, too, because how many times you've been thanked (and how many times you've thanked others) shows up in the upper left corner of your posts.
So in a way, Thanks is like a mini-rep.

But always remember... anything posted by me should be thanked, liked, and repped.
There is no Official Position on the Thanks/Like issue.

Personally, I tend to use Thanks as the most casual, Like for particularly good posts, and REP for the very best (or very worst, since it is the only one of the three that allows negatives).

This is exactly how I use it! Great minds think a like! ;)
I try not to overthink it. I tend to use rep sparingly. Otherwise I'm as likely to thank as to like a post.

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Sometimes I thank and like the same post. It's the "cover all bases" thingy...... :)