Last Person Thread #4

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Yes, check here for health benefits.

(1) tablespoon in the morning with plenty of water on an empty stomach. The secret is in the silica which you will pay a lot for through a doctor. Don't listen to the naysayers, It's cheap and very effective. I spent 15.00 for 10 pounds and it has lasted over a year. Nobody is getting rich off of it, if it works it works. For me below are (3) benefits I received from it early on. Check the link and see all the others.

  • Silica stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels
    [*]Silica can normalize circulation and regulate high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • By improving the elasticity of the joints, silica helps rheumatism.

Years of martial arts have taken it's toll on my joints. If I just counted the above 3 I would be ahead of the game for sure. I recommend it highly, if it doesn't work then don't take it and throw the bag away. 15.00 is no big deal. But, if it does, good on ya...............

Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement, with no obligation to the reader, just good information being past on.

Ordered some I guess if it does not work Ill throw it in the pool filter
Altho' I fancy myself to have a reasonable facility with words, sometimes it is better to allow someone to speak for you:

Lucky for me I'm in Texas, if it snows even once itself rare. To top it no more than 3 inches

Just got finished class today teaching 6 orange belts and 2 green belts / everyone actually came today and nobody goofed off
I did dishes.
I thought I had some chicken soup left over from yesterday, but it evaporated over night...
was on the internets and this reminded me of someone….
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