Last Person #5

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Got to watch another BJJ class while waiting for NGA class at a friend's dojo today. My knees are feeling good, and I'm wishing I had the time and finances to commit to train a new art. Don't know how far I'd want to go down the rabbit hole, but a year or two of training would be fun and shore up some of my weaker areas.

Maybe by next year...
Got to watch another BJJ class while waiting for NGA class at a friend's dojo today. My knees are feeling good, and I'm wishing I had the time and finances to commit to train a new art. Don't know how far I'd want to go down the rabbit hole, but a year or two of training would be fun and shore up some of my weaker areas.

Maybe by next year...

I feel the same. I'd like to take Judo again (the art I started with), as well as Muay Thai. Seems like those would make a good combo with Wing Chun.
I wish I understood how website traffic works. For the last few days, I was making a SUPREME amount of effort to get eyes on the webcomic. We had 7 hits tops. Then yesterday I hardly did anything, and we got 25 hits. Weird.
I will say that, while the Hudson Valley thing is cool, it stinks that no matter how many people I bring in, I still get a flat fee. That is the ONLY thing that stinks, mind you, but still...

That is why I'm pretty excited that a friend just told me about a place in Lansinburgh that I could reserve. I don't know how long I can rent it, but he said he hosted a Cards Against Humanity tournament there for only $25.
I will say that, while the Hudson Valley thing is cool, it stinks that no matter how many people I bring in, I still get a flat fee. That is the ONLY thing that stinks, mind you, but still...

That is why I'm pretty excited that a friend just told me about a place in Lansinburgh that I could reserve. I don't know how long I can rent it, but he said he hosted a Cards Against Humanity tournament there for only $25.
When I do anything like that, I just consider it a chance to give people a look at the program. I sometimes let the sponsoring organization keep all the registration fees (though I do require they collect them, so people don't no-show).
Rough week. One of my employee's husband died suddenly. Another's father died suddenly. And today found out that another employee's father has brain cancer and is being placed in hospice. They say bad news comes in threes. Hopefully that's true because my team has taken some rough knocks.
Rough week. One of my employee's husband died suddenly. Another's father died suddenly. And today found out that another employee's father has brain cancer and is being placed in hospice. They say bad news comes in threes. Hopefully that's true because my team has taken some rough knocks.
That is a lot, Steve. It's clear you care about your team; I hope that's a least a little comfort to them.
When I do anything like that, I just consider it a chance to give people a look at the program. I sometimes let the sponsoring organization keep all the registration fees (though I do require they collect them, so people don't no-show).

If I had a program that I was bringing attention to, then that would be my main aim as well. I'm not saying I'm looking for a "get rich quick" scheme here. (If I wanted one of those, there are plenty of things that qualify for that WAY better than martial arts.) All I mean is this: in order for a class to be held, all you have to get is 10 students. If I am going to get the same amount of money whether I bring in 10 or 10,000...where is the incentive to bust my butt with the marketing?
I watched Wong Sheung Leung's SCIENCE OF IN-FIGHTING on YouTube yesterday. That was before I got the email from Hudson Valley about the 6-hour course. It dawned on me that his video would be a good one to model the course after, so I am going to watch it again and start mapping out how I plan on doing things. :)
I watched Wong Sheung Leung's SCIENCE OF IN-FIGHTING on YouTube yesterday. That was before I got the email from Hudson Valley about the 6-hour course. It dawned on me that his video would be a good one to model the course after, so I am going to watch it again and start mapping out how I plan on doing things. :)

I'm thinking this instead :D

I'm thinking this instead :D

Oh Lord...this came up in "related searches" yesterday when I hunted down a different video.

What was the other video in question? Well, for some reason yesterday I had a memory surface. The memory was of the dumbest song I've ever heard. Now I think I will hunt it down again to share.
just set up a password on a piece of hardware that apparently does not care about the user name, only the password.... so far I have tried my name, made up names, brand names, food names and Fruit bat womber bot.... all work just as long as the password is correct......yeah...that needs to be fixed
just set up a password on a piece of hardware that apparently does not care about the user name, only the password.... so far I have tried my name, made up names, brand names, food names and Fruit bat womber bot.... all work just as long as the password is correct......yeah...that needs to be fixed

Set it up where all users have to use the user name.....Mike Honcho
I watched Wong Sheung Leung's SCIENCE OF IN-FIGHTING on YouTube yesterday. That was before I got the email from Hudson Valley about the 6-hour course. It dawned on me that his video would be a good one to model the course after, so I am going to watch it again and start mapping out how I plan on doing things. :)

My mistake. That should have read Wong SHUN Leung...
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