Last Person #5

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This is weird. I keep getting logged out of MT at random intervals. It used to take 10-15 minutes to do that. Now I find myself having to log in every couple minutes.
I'm betting it is the Russians or the Chinese...possibly the North Koreans

Well, when it comes to the North Koreans, I told them I did see the movie THE INTERVIEW, but I hated it. They promised to leave me alone after that.
Do any of you guys here understand women at all? Even a little?
I went to mine too. I have been focusing mainly on rooting my stance for about a month now. I figured, "Hey, I bet I really advanced because of my hyperfocus!"

And what happened? Sifu uprooted me. I figured, "Well, he's better than me, so of course he can."

Then the other student ALSO uprooted me. As far as I know, she doesn't obsessively think and train like I do. In other words, her skill set is "lower" than mine. Yet she uprooted me.

I was happy I was in class, but frustrated by what I found. Today I am trying to recover from that frustration and focus on fixing my weak spot. Sometimes I have a tendency to give up when the going gets tough, but I'm starting to learn how to fight against that urge to cave.
A thought comes to me, Steve. With your overly-analytical mind (a hindrance in some pursuits), perhaps you should find someone in a significantly different art (maybe a Japanese art, or Western wrestling), and ask them about how they deal with "rooting" issues. I think the different perspective might turn on some lights for you - give you a different approach to what you're over-working.
I had a freelance client hire me to write an Amazon product description. I wrote up a killer, beautiful description and sent it to them.

They replied with a dispute to the order. When this happens, I read it over and take what they say as constructive criticism (even if they say it rudely). However, when I read his dispute, this is what I saw:

"It's well-written and looks great, but I'm not going to use it for my listing. I want my money back."

Well, no. If it looks great, then that means I delivered what my gig promises. If you choose not to use it, that's on you.

I've had people pull this one on me before. In the past, there was an occasion where I refunded without even blinking. (The customer is always right after all, or at least that's the philosophy.) However, after I gave him back his money because he said my write-up was terrible, I went on Amazon and saw they were using EXACTLY WHAT I HAD GIVEN THEM!!!

So now I review refunds with skepticism. I know that one shady buyer does not represent them all, but the experience left me less trusting of people.
The customer is most definitively NOT always right. If you've delivered what you promised, they should pay.
A thought comes to me, Steve. With your overly-analytical mind (a hindrance in some pursuits), perhaps you should find someone in a significantly different art (maybe a Japanese art, or Western wrestling), and ask them about how they deal with "rooting" issues. I think the different perspective might turn on some lights for you - give you a different approach to what you're over-working.

Oddly enough, Xue was telling me about how he handles rooting. (Of course, what he does is still a Chinese art, but it is different from Wing Chun.) Still, I do like the thought.
Do any of you guys here understand women at all? Even a little?

I would not say I understand so much as I predict the patterns of least from the kind of women I seem to constantly wind up dating. Ever since I was with the mother of my twin daughters, it seems like I've dated the same woman over and over. LOL The current one is proving to be different in some ways, but similar in others.
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