Kukkiwon 10th Dans...who are they?

Not sure on spelling, but I know Grand Master Soon Bae Kim is 10th Dan head of Chong Moo Kwon and Grand Master Byung Jik Ro is 10th Dan head of Sung Moo Kwon.

My instructor just received his 7th Dan last year, and his instructor is a 9th Dan (Moo Yong Yun).
Not sure on spelling, but I know Grand Master Soon Bae Kim is 10th Dan head of Chong Moo Kwon and Grand Master Byung Jik Ro is 10th Dan head of Sung Moo Kwon.

My instructor just received his 7th Dan last year, and his instructor is a 9th Dan (Moo Yong Yun).

Grandmaster Kim Soo-bae has been around since the late 1940's or early 1950's. He was involved with the Changmoo-Kwan and Master Lee Nam-sok (re-established the Changmoo-Kwan in 1952) for many years. I'll need to check on this, but I got the impression he[Kim Soo-bae] quit instructing or training over 30 years ago and was more of a businessman in martial arts. Master Lee Nam-sok started following around Choi Hong-hi's organization in the 1960's and quit instructing himself during this time. He actually quit instructing much in the 1950's (another story). I bring this up because if it is true, Kim Soo-bae's 10th Dan is probably more honorary. But, don't hold me to that yet. :)

R. McLain
I would imagine ANY 10th Dan issued by the Kukkiwon is honorary, since officially it only goes up to 9th Dan.
I would imagine ANY 10th Dan issued by the Kukkiwon is honorary, since officially it only goes up to 9th Dan.

This is quite true. My understanding is that it's honorary for "meritotious service" to Taekwondo.

It wouldn't surprise me that GM Kim, Soon Bae has been given that honor. He was one of the designers of the Tae Geuk poomsae.
Before you say your instructor is a certain rank or another ask yourself a question... Have you ever seen his/her official Kukkiwon certificate? I know of a guy whos business cards says he is a 6th Dan underneith it he says he is Kukkowon certified. Both or true but neither is a fact. Why? He has promoted himself to 6th Dan but is certified as a 3rd Dan. Since they are on different lines in his card both are true but is skims the serface of the facts. So just because someone says they are a certain rank donst make it true.
Before you say your instructor is a certain rank or another ask yourself a question... Have you ever seen his/her official Kukkiwon certificate? I know of a guy whos business cards says he is a 6th Dan underneith it he says he is Kukkowon certified. Both or true but neither is a fact. Why? He has promoted himself to 6th Dan but is certified as a 3rd Dan. Since they are on different lines in his card both are true but is skims the serface of the facts. So just because someone says they are a certain rank donst make it true.

Whoa... and I thought I'd heard everything!! Talk about duplicity... this reaches the depths of a whole new ocean!
The 10th dan is a very rare rank, generally awarded posthumously only to persons who have made great contributions to taekwondo. It should not be confused with the honorary dan. The Kukkiwon has only awarded four standard 10th dan, all posthumously, to the following men: Byong Lo Lee, Chong Soo Hong, Il Sup Chun and Nam Suk Lee. The WTF has also awarded two "honorary" Kukkiwon 10th dan, both to individuals who were members of the IOC-Juan A. Samarach and Dr. Rogge. Dr. Kim was also 10th dan Kukkiwon.

The 10th dan is a very rare rank, generally awarded posthumously only to persons who have made great contributions to taekwondo. It should not be confused with the honorary dan. The Kukkiwon has only awarded four standard 10th dan, all posthumously, to the following men: Byong Lo Lee, Chong Soo Hong, Il Sup Chun and Nam Suk Lee. The WTF has also awarded two "honorary" Kukkiwon 10th dan, both to individuals who were members of the IOC-Juan A. Samarach and Dr. Rogge. Dr. Kim was also 10th dan Kukkiwon.


Miles you always know the inside info. How do you know this?
I'd rather be with a legitimate 5th Dan than a ceremonial 10th Dan any day. How many organizations give out ceremonial Dans to people who either don't practice or know the right people? To me, a ceremonial 10th Dan is like a ceremonial Ph.D. Nice gesture, but it means nothing.
The world is full of ceremonial and honorary 10th Dans as it is. Doesn't impress me.

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