Killer Instinct?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, How many of you believe you have the killer instinct? What do you think it is?

Can anyone learn this killer instinct? or is it in all of us?..........Aloha
still learning said:
Hello, How many of you believe you have the killer instinct? What do you think it is?

Can anyone learn this killer instinct? or is it in all of us?..........Aloha

You mean like, survival instinct? Or killer instinct, literally?
"Rodents of unusual size and killer instinct? I dont think they exist."
Blotan Hunka said:
"Rodents of unusual size and killer instinct? I dont think they exist."

The Princess Bride if I'm not mistaken?

I think everybody's got it, but it takes extreme situations to bring it out in some people.
still learning said:
Hello, How many of you believe you have the killer instinct? What do you think it is?

Can anyone learn this killer instinct? or is it in all of us?..........Aloha
It is in everyone, but it is surpressed from birth by society. Everyone has that rage inside of them, some people will live there whole life being walked all over, and then just snap and blow 10 people away at acme one day.
Thats not 'instinct' we all have the ability to make decisions, the people who go on a spree know its wrong IMO they just dont care. Animals just react. I think someone here posted on this before i found by searching. He/she said something about going to court after having killer instinct. I dont think a jury is going to buy it.
Well, I would have to say no, no one is born with a killer instinct...Its commen belief that the human being is born innocent (Well Christianity calls for "Origonal(SP) Sin", but besides that the human is completely innocent at birth in my mind...a Killer instinct is learned by the enviroment one is raised in.
After reading some of the responses I need some clarification on what we're calling 'the killer instinct'. Are we talking about the basic instinct to survive / the will to fight to survive or what?
Everybody has,at least to some extent, an inborn survival instinct, but as for "killer" instinct I feel that is born out of external influences. Not that you really develope this instinct, but that it can come to the surface with certain outside influence like war, personal protection, etc. JMHO.
Sin said:
Well, I would have to say no, no one is born with a killer instinct...Its commen belief that the human being is born innocent (Well Christianity calls for "Origonal(SP) Sin", but besides that the human is completely innocent at birth in my mind...a Killer instinct is learned by the enviroment one is raised in.

I can't quite agree. There are plenty of cases of people coming from good homes with good parents who end up going wrong. It's not always something caused by environment. Let's use Scott Peterson as an example. It's something the environment can influence though, if the seeds are already there.

I think killer instinct is something that can be taught, just as leadership can be taught but I also thing there are those that have in ingrained in their genetic makeup, just as there are some "natural born leaders".
I'd say it's in there from birth.

Humans eat meat, so we are hunters. We have also had a war going on somewhere in the world since civilization started.

But, it's been beaten out of us by our current culture for the most part, whether that is good or bad is up for debate :)

But in the end, we're still animals, and it is in there, even if we don't know how to bring it to the surface. It could be brought out in most, just would take a radically different environment to do so. (Think Lord of the Flies ;) )
My instructer always tells me that "Tre, you need to find the killer spirit" well..really im starting to figure it out. Killer instinct can be found, but there's a price lol. I'm a good guy, im already experiencing the killer instinct makes me more mean when sparring. For instance, killer instinct - not caring if he or you get hurt, just practically not caring. Sorry i will never actually have the killer instinct, im too nice.
Real easy to get tho, if you want to become a killer lol. Just stop caring if he gets hurt, stop caring , if you hurt him or tko him, dont care, thats a killer instinct.
As I understand it, killer "instinct" is already there. As another poster put it, it's suppressed from childhood. The urge to defend and protect is natural. Thinking back to when I was child, I can clearly remember getting very upset when I thought a person was treating a family member wrong. My older brother and older sister tell me stories of how I'd get red, start breathing heavy, start sweating and start walking forwards. After I'd 'calm' down, the shakes would start. Sounds like an adrenaline dump. Fight or flight. Looking at my neices and nephews, I sometimes see the same thing. Another child pushes a sibling and the "Don't do that to my..." starts up. We then say "It's okay, calm down" and because it's the 'right' thing to do, suppress that instinct.
I think the question was how many of us have the killer instinct. For me personally, I ask myself if I have that killer mindset. In my mind, that means if things go right, I walk away with my family and he doesn't... and if things don't go right, I don't walk away with my family and neither does he. And if\when I do allow myself to fall into that state of mind, do I have it within me to gear it down if the situation changes.

Rick R.
UKF Campbell, Ca.
I still must say that people are born without evil, evil is a matter of enviriment, not a matter of Genes(sp), if it were a matter of genetics, we would have already eraticated or done something with those people as a socity.
Rush - "Lock And Key"

I don't want to face the killer instinct
Face it in you or me

We carry a sensitive cargo
Below the waterline
Ticking like a time bomb
With a primitive design
Behind the finer feelings
This civilized veneer
The heart of a lonely hunter
Guards a dangerous frontier

The balance can sometimes fail
Strong emotions can tip the scale

Don't want to silence a desperate voice
For the sake of security
No one wants to make a terrible choice
On the price of being free
I don't want to face the killer instinct
Face it in you or me
So we keep it under lock and key

It's not a matter of mercy
It's not a matter of laws
Plenty of people will kill you
For some fanatical cause
It's not a matter of conscience
A search for probable cause
It's just a matter of instinct
A matter of fatal flaws

No reward for resistance
No assistance, no applause

Don't want to silence a desperate voice
For the sake of security
No one wants to make a terrible choice
On the price of being free
I don't want to face the killer instinct
Face it in you or me
So we keep it under lock and key

We don't want to be victims
On that we all agree
So we lock up the killer instinct
And throw away the key
And just for I wrote a few years back ( more vertly religious)

"Just Enough"
Just below the surface of respectability
Lies a darkness of the soul
Just below the fringes of civility
Resides a hunger for control

If you let down the guards
That hold the rage in check
Release the tension inside
If you saw the fire
Hidden behind quiet eyes
Your love would turn to fear

Just enough restraint of desire
Burning in our soul
Just enough of a hand on the fire
Burning out of control

I'm afraid of you
I know what's in your heart
You should run from me
You know what's in my heart?
How can you face me?
Don't you know the danger
When you place your life
In the hands of a stranger?

Each of us is born
To kill, destroy, and die
Each of us is torn
By the drive to survive
and the love that we try

If not for the mercy of God
We would be consumed by the fire of our passion
If not for the hand of God
To hold back the demons of our own creation
If not for the face of God
Blinding holiness that reveals the truth of our sin
If not for the love of God
We would have hell on earth and there would be no end
I believe that killer instinct depends on your environment.

(Killer instinct at an all time low) Case in point all the guys at work know that I teach/take Kenpo. And they always are coming up and hitting me in the back and says gotcha. At work my defenses are not up I work in a totally safe environment.

(Killer instinct a little higher) I got a couple of them to come out to my class where I was in the zone and they were impressed.

(Killer instinct on max alert) When I was deployed to Iraq last summer. I was on constant alert and would not have hesitated to take a live it would have saved one of my buddies or me. I will tell you being on that high of personal alert all the time is exhausting to say the least.

I see killer instinct on the basketball court everyday. I can identify guys by the way they play ball that I would want them to have my back. I think this is true in everyday life though.



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