Ki or energy as we call it



I was wondering if any one else thinks that people who are in martial arts long enough and meditate enough can 'control" their ki or energy? I think people can. I'm not budhist or anything but I was wondering if anyone else shared this view as well.
This question comes up fairly regularly.

The general agreement is the best way to "control" your chi is to eat the "Chili Cheese Borrito" on a daily basis. Apart from that it's all a bunch of mystic mumbo jumbo.

Most people nowadays are pretty quick to dismiss witchcraft, alchemy, summonings, etc. But Chi? Yeah, that works...
I think the question was about "ki" (japanese for energy), and not "chi" (chinese for gas).
Ki power has exsisted since the beginning of time, some put it off as a old wise tale. I believe one can assume mass strength in certain stituations. Every living thing give off some kind of energy and if you are able to pull from that energy you are going to be more aware of your abilities.
I was wondering if any one else thinks that people who are in martial arts long enough and meditate enough can 'control" their ki or energy?
Work out long enough and you will get control of many individual muscles that you cannot control if you are not working out. However, you can also work directly on the muscles in question and get better control faster.

You do control the energy of your body. Exercising that control improves your consious awareness of it, just as with muscles.

Most people nowadays are pretty quick to dismiss witchcraft, alchemy, summonings, etc. But Chi? Yeah, that works...
Considering the number of people who are practicing neo-pagans, and who form prayer groups, I doubt you claim that the field is "easily dismissed". I think people would be far more dismissive of Heisenberg Uncertainty and the effect of the observer on the observed, or it's ramifications in quantum memory storage than they are in whether prayer aids in the healing process.

Of course, one must wonder on what basis you are dismissive. It's not skeptical to dismiss something without a thurough understanding, only to question its validity.
The mind is a very powerful thing. I think the degree of control is directly related to the degree of belief.
I was wondering if any one else thinks that people who are in martial arts long enough and meditate enough can 'control" their ki or energy?
It sometimes seems like we're all talking about the same thing, but there's a great deal of play when it comes to defining what exactly Ki is. I think it's very difficult to communicate effectively about a subject when it's open to so much interpretation. I recall reading an article that addressed this layer of ambiguity as being a cross cultural parsing error and I tend to agree.

As for meditation, I don't automatically connect it with Ki. My primary meditation practice is Vipassana, which does not rely on a vague concept of energy fields. I also practice Qigong with an instructor, and I find it interesting that what he identifies as Ki or energy, I identify with a host of other elements that fit comfortably within an open minded, but nonetheless skeptical framework.

To answer your question, I believe in Ki only if it's used as a metaphor.
Ancient sources didn't have the scientific vocabulary we have today; therefore, it may simply be the case of poetically describing bodily processes and efficient use of the body. However, as a mystical pursuit, while I can't refute it, I think that there are more worldly concerns for martial artists that are of greater immediacy and that too much mysticism distracts us from the here and now.
i think that its definitely possible to control your ki or energy or whatever you want to call it. i'm starting to find in some of my strikes now that i can use it but im still beginner really when it comes to using energy. but i've had it demonstrated on me just how it feels when someone who can control and harness energy uses it in conjunction with a strike and it feels loads more painful and a lot more deeper penetrating with a lot less actual muscular strength used.

i've heard its possible to strike without actually physically connecting if you can use energy well enough but i've not actually seen it with my own eyes but i wouldn't be surprised if that was possible with enough practice and focus.

i think if people don't believe it they just need to be hit with it to quickly change their mind! my instructor can do it easily but its going to take me some time to grasp it as well as he has (another 20 years or so probably!)
but he has told me its all down to focus, belief and projection of your energy through and into the target.
He's also said its possible to feel peoples energy and intention to strike, before its actually reached your body. again i've seen this demonstrated with blindfolded training with punches, kicks and swords used as the weapons.

i find it very interesting personally and would like to hear others views.
I'm truly amazed at how many martial artists these days have zero understanding of Ki, zero understanding that it exists at all, and zero control over it.

I have not even scratched the surface on it, yet have seen some of its applications.

It seems to me there are some research projects that are studying the "biophysical energy" or "biological EMF" based on accidental findings of unexpected energy fields around humans and other living things.

Gonna have to see if I can find some papers on that ....
The only problem of course of putting this question on here is you get alot of people who completely disbelieve! And ask you question such as, "Can you bend spoons yet?", coming to think of it, I was asked that today lol!!!

Concerning Ki, there are many theories and any one of the these can be right. I would just said dont be narrow minded and completely dis-regarded in the name of current science as science is just a theory in itself and there are many theories, there is no proof, for anything.... anything out there!!!

Ki may not be mystical but there may be some truth to it, that could (stressing this word) be explained one day in the way of science.


P.s. I'm not having a go here! Anybody can believe anything they want to, I'm not forcing this upon anyone!
In the Chinese martial arts if you cannot do the small and grand circulations and develop specific chi derived jings you will get your hiney handed to you on a silver platter in a fight. Almost all of the moves are propelled by chi and not li.
Narrow mindedness swings both ways I think. A lot of people seem to fall into the habit of not questioning. They see something that amazes them or they experience something that they can't immediately explain, and suddenly they have their answer. It may not be the correct answer, but it very neatly solves the puzzle that has given them so much trouble. I cannot be so easily comforted. As a result, I often fall back on the mantra "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

I've often found myself in situations where I COULD explain and demonstrate why someone was able to take a full shot to the groin or the throat. I COULD explain the various things experienced during meditation and why they occur. I COULD explain why that guy over there is able to hit so much harder than everyone else...or how he's able to walk barefoot over hotcoals...or why it's not an EMF field...or why the scientific meaning of a theory is different than the way many people use it...

The problem is, for the most part, no one wants to hear it, and that's fine. I probably don't explain things particularly well anyway, at least not well enough to compete with many of the claims that are made in the Martial Art world. I hope that doesn't sound condescending because it's not intended as such. I'm writing this with a smile on my face and I have a great deal of empathy for people, no matter what they believe. I just don't think the same way.
Corporal Hicks said:
I would just said dont be narrow minded and completely dis-regarded in the name of current science as science is just a theory in itself and there are many theories, there is no proof, for anything.... anything out there!!!
Actually, when it comes to Science a "theory" is not a theory unless there is a lot of testing and predictions that turn out positive. There has to be a lot of evidence for something to be considered a theory.

Chi has none, no evidence that has been successfully demonstrated in a controlled environment.

"Proof", well absolute proof is not epistomologically possible, however, that does not mean that it has a ton of supporting evidence behind it. In addition a "theory" has to make predictions beyond what has already been observed, if they turn out to be true that is good support that the theory is true

Example - Einsteins theory's meant that light would be effected by Gravity, something not believed before that. It was tested and he was right, this lends support to the theory.
Andrew Green said:
Actually, when it comes to Science a "theory" is not a theory unless there is a lot of testing and predictions that turn out positive. There has to be a lot of evidence for something to be considered a theory.

Chi has none, no evidence that has been successfully demonstrated in a controlled environment.

"Proof", well absolute proof is not epistomologically possible, however, that does not mean that it has a ton of supporting evidence behind it. In addition a "theory" has to make predictions beyond what has already been observed, if they turn out to be true that is good support that the theory is true

Example - Einsteins theory's meant that light would be effected by Gravity, something not believed before that. It was tested and he was right, this lends support to the theory.
I stand corrected lol!
Floating Egg said:
I've often found myself in situations where I COULD explain and demonstrate why someone was able to take a full shot to the groin or the throat. I COULD explain the various things experienced during meditation and why they occur. I COULD explain why that guy over there is able to hit so much harder than everyone else...or how he's able to walk barefoot over hotcoals...or why it's not an EMF field...or why the scientific meaning of a theory is different than the way many people use it...
Explanations such as you describe are important in helping others to see your view. If you have the time to explain further, it would be interesting and certainly pertains to the discussion. :asian:

swiftpete said:
i think that its definitely possible to control your ki or energy or whatever you want to call it. i'm starting to find in some of my strikes now that i can use it but im still beginner really when it comes to using energy. but i've had it demonstrated on me just how it feels when someone who can control and harness energy uses it in conjunction with a strike and it feels loads more painful and a lot more deeper penetrating with a lot less actual muscular strength used.
Feeling is believing, and while I can't explain if it's proper body mechanics or concentration of ki energy, I've experienced similar things. I have yet to see the existence of ki energy disproved and leave open all possibilities.

MJ :asian:
Is feeling really believing? There's a spot on the eye where there are no rods or cones, but when you look around you don't notice the blind spot. Of course we can't know everything, so it's helpful to develop a pattern of thought that allows us to address the unknown. The first time I experienced Sleep paralysis I did not automatically assume that something evil was stealing into my room at night to torment me.
Although it is only fiction, but can ki be used like it is in Animes, for example Dragonball Z/GT

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