Kenpo in Michigan??


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
I'm in the process of applying to (and receiving responses from) law schools.

I've been offered a $30,000 scholarship to a school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Unless I get a full scholarship to somewhere here in California, I'm probably going to be in Michigan starting next fall.

Any kenpo schools near there? Can anyone tell me anything about the instructors?

Although I've found myself taking a bit of a break from martial arts at the moment, I think that with the stress of law school, I'm definitely going to need to get back into a studio and hit something, ya know?
There may be some Kenpo schools closer, but if you don't find anything, there is an AKKI kenpo school in Toledo (that's only about 30 to 45 minutes away.)

Hope this helps, contact me if you want more info.

Brian Jones
thank you much!

I'll be out there in a few months to tour the school, and I'm going to be checking out kenpo schools and skydive dropzones at the same time.
hehe... sorry, Arni, but sticks and I have never clicked. They're the ONE weapon I've picked up and had an instant distaste for. Just aren't my thing.
Kenpo is the one Art I do not regularly see a lot of in SE Michigan.

I will look around and also ask around.

And, Yes there is lots of great FMA, from Pekiti Tersia to Modern Arnis to Balintawak.

Ann Arbor is a wonderful city. Iy is one of the places I like to go and hang out.
Originally posted by arnisador
So, you've been warned, Nightingale. :D

Yes, she has been warned ;). A school in Ann Arbor Michigan. There is only one school and it is the University of Michigan :D

Good Law School, I hear they call this little Ivy school on the east coast the Michigan of the East. That school being Harvard :D. This and much more you will learn if you choose to go to law school in Ann Arbor Michigan ;)

BTW: Congratulations on the Offer, being accpeted to U of M is a major accomplishment. Many people never qualify, let alone get offered a scholarship. Congratulations :asian:
Ha-ha-ha-ha ... and you think you will have time to train? Ha-ha-ha-ha, see you in 3 years.

My wife is from Kalamazoo and the people are great, and the winters are cold. You will miss California.

Seriously, KenpoNet's StudioNet has several Michigan schools listed, you may want to check there.

Kudos on being accepted, let the games begin. Good luck and hang tough!!!

Originally posted by Nightingale
no, its actually not the university of Michigan.

Hmmm, The mind is very intrigues. Detroit Law School? Eastern Michigan?

Both are also very good schools. :)
Originally posted by arnisador
So, you've been warned, Nightingale. :D

Even worse warning...I've hung out there too! I am not too far away either! :eek:

I am not a kenpoist, so I'd be of little help offereing a recomendation. Good luck on your search.

So far the only Kenpo I have found is

Shorinji Kempo
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Still looking, and will later with a friend in Ann Arbor :D

Ann Arbor seems to be mostly Korean And Japanese Martial Arts.
no, and no, Rich.

Its a private catholic school with a 93% Bar pass rate. They've only been open three years, and got their preliminary accreditation at two years, which is as early as you can get it. the school is small, which I like.

The only thing that really concerns me about the school is its conservative politics. I'm going to make a visit and see what the vibe is.
Yup. Ave Maria. they actually outscored U of M on the Bar this year.

My main concerns are the politics (we all know how good I am at keeping my trap shut about stuff like that LOL) and that its such a new school.
No one asks where lawyers went to school. As for politics--I think it is a pretty conservative campus, judging from what I've read in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

As for keeping up training, I suspect that both sides are right--it may be tough to make the time but it may be necessary for the sanity break! Good luck either way. Given what a difference a J.D. can make in a person's life--as far as options and income--I think you should strongly consider going and just biting your lip for 3 years!
Congrats on school, and coming to michigan....If you are in any kind of scene in Cali, then Ann Arbor is certainly the place to come in Michigan..It is the Freak and Liberal central of the state. Fun Place to hang.

Ann Arbor probably has more martial art schools and different disciplines then any other city in Michigan....but I agree with previous Posts.....not alot of Kenpo.

I am friends with a Kenpo Family in Garden City. They have a school called Guardian Martial Arts. The lady that owns it is 3rd dan kenpo, 2nd dan TKD. She is a student of Steve Stewart from London Ontario Canada. Which I believe links their linage to Mr. Frank Trejo- then Mr. Ed Parker. Don't quote me, but I believe that is correct. They also teach Kyoshu Jitsu (dillman) stuff as all their kenpo black belts must also earn Kyoshu jitsu bb's as well.

Their number is 734-266-0565, and the instructor/owner is Mrs Kelly Perkins.

Hope that helps.

As one of the other posters said Toledo I believe is going to be your closest Kenpo school. I personally don't know the instructor(s) there so I can't make any comments about them. The only other school is Mr. Doyle's studio but he is clear on the other side of Ohio on the east side of Cleveland. It would be a long drive. There is another school in Strongsville which is still a longer drive but closer than Mr. Doyle's studio. If you are truely looking to stay in the Kenpo sytem you will have to drive long distances 'cause there isn't enough Parker Kenpo studios here. You'll find the Tracy's system just about everywhere but Parker schools are far and few between.

If you want more info. then e-mail me or PM me.


I hope you like cold weather :( and snow.:(