kenpo experiment


Blue Belt
Founding Member
Sep 16, 2001
Reaction score
ontario CANADA
if you only could pick 16 self defenses for the techniques which would they be and why? which ones do you think would cover all of the master key movements within them. i am going to train two groups one the traditional way and the other not so traditional. i want to see who moves better after a certain amount of time but each will only be training at the same time allowed per week.the participants will have pretty much the same attributes as each other.
16 is kind of rough but I'll give it a go. The obvious being the crane family everyone will pick something from there.

1. Leaping Crane
2. Shield & Sword
3. Shield & Mace
4. Circling Destruction
5. Circles of Protection
6. Intellectual Departure
7. Scraping Hoof
8. Hugging Pendulum
9. Dance of Darkness
10. Dance of Death
11. Sleeper
12. Destructive Twins
13. Thrusting Wedge
14. Crushing Hammer
15. Escape from Death
16. Glancing Wing
In no particular order those are my picks.
I have been playing with this idea myself for a while and I came up with 24 techniques. And then at each belt you would do something different to each technique. My list of techniques are:

1. Lone Kimono
2. Crossing Talon
3. Mace of Aggression
4. Gift of Destruction
5. Charging Ram
6. Repeating Mace
7. Parting Wings
8. Hooking Wings
9. Five Swords
10. Shielding Hammer
11. Thundering Hammers
12. Back Breaker
13. Intellectual Departure
14. Thrusting Salute
15. Buckling Branch
16. Spiralling Twig
17. Crushing Hammer
18. Striking Serpents Head
19. Grip of Death
20. Locked Wing
21. Checking the Storm
22. Calming the Storm
23. Falcons of Force
24. The Bear and the Ram

As you can see all of the master key techniques are in the list and the list also follows the eqaution formula.
out of curiosity, since you are doing this over a limited time period, what consitutes "traditional" for the one group? will you just be going through the cirriculum regularly as it is set up now, thus going throught say...the first list of requirements?

these are adults i take it as well? are they beginners or are they intermediate students? will they also be going through your traditional basics and forms, or will one group have say forms left out and only go over basics or vice versa?

perhaps for the "experimental" students you could have them run through the master key techniques...theoretically that would cover most if not all of the master key movements...i'm not completely sure. a more well thought out answer would be easier to give if i knew whether or not the students had any prior experience. also, how many people will you include in the respective groups?

i remember you mentioning this before. fill us in on all the details you have so far...i'm interested to know you mad kenpo scientist!
- Delayed Sword
- Alternating maces
- Sword of Destruction

That seems like enough to me.

I'd use short form 1 as well.
Not being an EPAKer, of any reknown, I would start with the Yellow Belt techniques and then add 6 more that I chose from the rest of the techniqes that I felt made the most effective, yet simplest impact.

I was once told by a high ranking Black Belt that you should be able to make the 10 Yellow Belt Techniques fit to any situation or attack.

Sometimes we can't see the wood for the trees.

Originally posted by Sigung86
Not being an EPAKer, of any reknown, I would start with the Yellow Belt techniques and then add 6 more that I chose from the rest of the techniqes that I felt made the most effective, yet simplest impact.


But wouldn't that give you 22 techniques?:D