Just funny......


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I think that size and strength matter to a certain point, but jsut because someone is 6'5 and another is 5'10, does not always mean that the 6'5 guy is going to win! I train with a guy that is 5'3. I've seen him with guys bigger and heavier than him and he still kicks a** on the ground and standing!

I also know a few girls that are very tough, and would probably kick the sh** out of most guys. Some of them have no prob. getting on the mat and rolling with guys that are bigger.

IMO its the skill that the person has. Sure being 6'7 and 250lbs. gives that intimidating look, but I don't think that they are immune to a groin kick or shot to the eyes! And yes, I'm sure someone will mention "Well, what if the person is on drugs?" Well, you know what, not every person you run into is going to be on drugs, so that is crazy to even say.



Originally posted by Judo-kid
I just wanted to know how people feel when someone says there friend is a black belt in some mystic martial art and is like a 90pound weakling and has been doing it for like a month and they tell you how they will own on you?

Or when people say size dosnt matter in a fight.
Or when people say that there friend who is a girl has been doing karate and can destroy you.

I just usally laugh, one of my best friends is amazing at talking trash he dos it for me and i stand there.

Today i was wrestling vs 6 people ( i lost ) but i proved how tough i was when it took them 10+ mins to submit me and it was one of my friends who i showed how to submit people and he was the one to do it.

(BTW) In no way am i putting weman down but usally they are just weaker then me. There are always exceptions.....

whats the point of this thread you ask your self *I dono*

What do I think of idiots like that? I just ignore em............:asian:


Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Whats a "wemon"?

:confused: Is that that "Chyna" from the WWF?


HEY, you might have the power to ban me for life, BUT, don't ever talk about my woman, CHYNA!:samurai:


BB is about doing whats required of them to the best of THEIR ability, not your ability. So naturally every black belt is different. Bruce Lee would probabily laugh at most of you black belts here and say to himself, "HOW DID HE/SHE GET THAT BB?!?"

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
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Bangkok, Thailand
"I'm just curious if you really believe that size does matter in a fight?"

Yes size does matter in a fight.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Originally posted by Damian Mavis
"I'm just curious if you really believe that size does matter in a fight?"

Yes size does matter in a fight.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

So if thats the case, then why bother training, if you are going to lose against the guy that is bigger than you? Someone mentioned Bruce Lee in a post on here, well he was not that large of a man. Are you telling me that he only fought people that were smaller or the same size as him? I dont think so.

Like I said in my previous post, its the skill that the person has thats going to make the difference!



Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
I know of a couple women that can rip it up. They usually hold up because they take hard shots and get used to it. Plus I like rasslin them. :p but I think the most important thing in any situation is aggression. The person that comes forward and has no second thoughts usually wins. There are always exceptions. I have seen matches where people are taken apart no matter how aggressive they are by a technician. Some people have so much skill or experience that they can overcome aggression. I think that's the reason that most people train MA.


Personally, what I find weird and funny is the extent to which some martial artists find it repeatedly necessary to loudly assert their prowess in terms of a) how many guys they can beat up, b) what women can't do, c) why size matters...you see where I'm going with this? I don't think you haves ta be Herr Doktor Freud to figure out that there's something...ummm...how shall I put this...reflective of a certain insecurity in regard to a) performance, b) lack of...something, c) size.

If anybody finds this offensive, good. Beyond the fact that my first teacher was a small woman, about the best martial artist and toughest fighter I've ever seen is a friend of mine who's maybe five feet tall, and I can personally guarantee you that I know several women as tough on the mat as anybody you've ever met, there's the fact that I dislike the warped version of martial arts.

I train with a guy who's 6'10," and sure his size matters. That's why I run in real quick, whack him gently a time or two, and then go hide. Cuts down on the subsequent lumps I get. More advanced people than myself--Darryl Liner comes to mind--can eat him alive, much as I've seen tape of Frank Trejo eating alive two different guys who were about a foot taller and very skilled.

The problem lies in constructing a warped version of what, "martial arts," is, insisting that everybody else has to play the same game, and insulting everybody who doesn't and shouldn't.

Martial arts and Irish stand-down are different. Question is, are we interested in self-defense, or are we interested in showcasing how tough we are?

Of course, the problem is that everybody who knows what I'm talking about already more or less agrees with me, and everybody else won't get it or agree. Oh well, that's OK.

Incidentally, one of the joys of teaching and training lies in seeing other people learn and change. It's kinda the opposite of cage fighting fantasies...and safer for us geezers.


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I really dont think this has anything to do with ego or seeing who is tougher. I think that the main idea of this thread, is talking about how effective SD is for a woman. Granted, we all train for different reasons, and this is something that has been mentioned many times before. Of course, if you need to defend yourself, dont you think that you need to be tough? If someone is trying to attack you, you need to fight back hard, not sit back and let the person harm you!

Maybe this question should be asked. What is the difference between fighting and self defense?? IMO, if you are defending yourself from an attack, you are fighting. Unfortunately, we dont live in the "Kung Fu fantasy land", where we can always talk our way out of a situation. Sure, that is probably the best thing to do, but what happens after you exhaust that? What happens if after all this talking, the guy who claims that you cut him off in traffic, still wants to kick your a** for doing so? Are you going to stand there and still try to talk him down when he's getting ready to knock your head off? I dont know about anyone else, but I'm not going to stand there and get hit, just because I dont want to prove how tough I am.



So, I'm curious.

Why DO so many posts take the form of a) I can kick ***, b) It seems that women can't, c) size is really, really important?


2nd Black Belt
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
i've been seeing the whole size issue as relevant to certain situations lately. does size matter in a "fight?" depends on your defenition of a "fight."

if you want to "win" a "fight," ie: knock someone out/beat them in points/submit them, then size will definitely matter quite a bit. if it didn't, there would be no need for weight classes in competition.

to speak in terms of pure self defense, and more importantly, survival...size matter less. it does still matter in my opinion to a certain degree, but that degree is much less when survival is concerned. to use a female as an example, she has no rules on the street, in the mall, in her own home, wherever she may be attacked. she has various weapons at her disposal. and most importantly, she is not trying to knockout or submit her assailant, only to get away from them, to get herself to safety, to avoid being killed.

i underestimate no man or woman, small or large, young or old, when survival is concerned.


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
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79 Wistful Vista
As my Dear Old Grand-pappy used to say: "It ain't the size of the dog in the fight.... it's the size of the fight in the dog."


Green Belt
Mar 20, 2003
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Originally posted by theletch1
As my Dear Old Grand-pappy used to say: "It ain't the size of the dog in the fight.... it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Very True BUT if both dogs have a lot of fight in them, the little one usually gets eaten!


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Sometimes small is good. What about the tunnel rats in Viet Nam. I heard that most special forces guys are not very big. Something about it being too inefficient to move large amounts of muscle mass.


Green Belt
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
After thinking about this a little here is a thought. There is no doubt that strength is a factor in a fight especially in a grappling situation. Someone who has a lot of strength can make up for poor technique and recover from thier mistakes. For example Ive had really big guys muscle their way out of a triangle choke. Since ive learned to control the head better which checks out their strength. Which illustrates someone with good technique can apply better leverage to over come strength. Leverage and good technique is the great equalizer if you will.

The down side is a really strong individual with great techniuqe is going to be hard to beat.

Another key factor is a large or strong person when it gets down and dirty, will be able to withstand far greater punishment then the smaller 90 lbs guy or female. Thats just a tough reality.

Ok let me have it!


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by J-kid
I just wanted to know how people feel when someone says there friend is a black belt in some mystic martial art and is like a 90pound weakling and has been doing it for like a month and they tell you how they will own on you?

Or when people say size dosnt matter in a fight.
Or when people say that there friend who is a girl has been doing karate and can destroy you.

I just usally laugh, one of my best friends is amazing at talking trash he dos it for me and i stand there.

Today i was wrestling vs 6 people ( i lost ) but i proved how tough i was when it took them 10+ mins to submit me and it was one of my friends who i showed how to submit people and he was the one to do it.

(BTW) In no way am i putting weman down but usally they are just weaker then me. There are always exceptions.....

whats the point of this thread you ask your self *I dono*


Ignore them!
what is the point of this thread?


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