Judoka poops pants, wins anyway

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Caught between a rock and a hard spot. At least he has GOLD to show for it.......... Good for him. :)
Stuff like this happens in every seriously competed sport.

I don't know why this is news...or at least I hope I don't know why this is news.
Stuff like this happens in every seriously competed sport.

I don't know why this is news...or at least I hope I don't know why this is news.

One more excuse...er... reason not to become an elite athlete. :barf:
I found it funny that Pampers sponsored the clip, ha ha ha....Also what was his competitor to do? It may have helped him win. The other guy may have been not doing his all, as to stay away from the spot and the smell.

I had a competitor lose a match once because the other person had such bad breath. She would come back to me between rounds with this look of discuss on her face. I was like what's wrong? She was like, her breath is killing me. Her focus went to hell because of it.
Champ-Pain is so good, he poops other people's pants; while they're wearing them.
Search youtube: "triathlon finish, defecate" or "marathon finish, defecate."People routinely poop their pants in races.....running behind them can be pretty awful......
yep one of the OT details I have worked in the past was a triathalon its a qualifier for the iron man in Hawai so top runners would show upi. You would regularly see men and woman go by with ummm a mess running down their legs its pretty nasty.
It was only in earlier feudal times, that Sumo warriors wore looser fitting loincloths. As competition fiercened and wrestlers were forced to consume vaster amounts of food in order to compete at winning weight levels, during matches they routinely pooped theirselves. As a result, the older loincloths that they used to wear were outlawed in favour of much the tighter fitting mawashi that we know today. Or maybe I just made that up.
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