Judo/JJJ for BJJ



Which do you all think would be better to compliment BJJ. Dan-zan ryu JJ or Judo? Also, why would you choose the one you do?
I was led to believe that Dan-Zan Ryu Jiu-Jitsu was closer to BJJ than to Kodokan Judo?

jdam76 said:
Which do you all think would be better to compliment BJJ. Dan-zan ryu JJ or Judo? Also, why would you choose the one you do?
Judo would be a better complement.

Danzan Ryu schools (as far as I know) do not spar. There are many stand-up joint-lock self-defense techniques and much time spent on break-falling.

I do know several people who study both BJJ and Judo. Judo training is primarily (but not entirely) focused on takedowns and throws from a standing position. There is also matwork of course. Those who practice both get an opportunity to augment their BJJ ground work with Judo standup and practice both in a "Live" environment with plenty of sparring.