It's On

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by mscroggins
Do Squats and pushups. 20 seconds or so down, then 20 seconds or so up.

Repeat this until your muscle shake and protest loudly, and don't forget to breathe the entire time.

You WILL be relax, and you will learn alot about how your body is structured.

Welcome mscroggins,

I hope you enjoy your stay here at Martial Talk.

Any questions just post them or ask a staff member.

Thank You


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
Originally posted by Josh
man ya'll. this isn't cool. i'm still having to deal with this guy. and it sucks because i'm in Adrenaline Mode 24/7. i can't relax. what are your thoughts?

Hey Josh. Maybe be a little more specific? How exactly are you having to deal with this guy, and how is this putting you in adrinaline mode?

Name some specific situations, maybe.



hey Paul. Thanks for sticking around to be concerned with it. That's Martial Arts 101 in my book. Thanks a bunch. I mean, i have no peace.

Everyday, or almost everday, there's like 3 of them, mostly just the one though, and they're always laughing, pointing, staring. It's so uncomfortable. And i become helpless. I can't relax, my heartbeat races too fast, i get sweaty, it's pathetic. It's like he thinks he owns me or something. And it's just me, he doesn't bother even talking to the people beside me. I'm tired of it. It bothers me, even when i'm not there.

Quick Sand

Unfortunately, part of that is just being in High School. I'd be willing to bet that almost everyone on this forum had some kind of issues in their mid teens. I got made fun of and stuff too. Personally though, I'd say ignore it.

I know it sucks but if it's any consulation, most of the people I knew in high school that were kind of bullies like that, didn't do so well after high school. He might be trying to cover the fact that he doesn't do well in school or something like that, I don't know. All I know that now when I go home to visit I see those people working deadend jobs and those of us that were on the recieveing end, well, I'm about to graduate from one of the top universities in Canada and I'm going on to do training for a good career.

He's probably looking for a reaction from you so if you don't give him one, he'll probably get bored soon and move on to someone else.

Just my experience.


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
Originally posted by Josh
hey Paul. Thanks for sticking around to be concerned with it. That's Martial Arts 101 in my book. Thanks a bunch. I mean, i have no peace.

Everyday, or almost everday, there's like 3 of them, mostly just the one though, and they're always laughing, pointing, staring. It's so uncomfortable. And i become helpless. I can't relax, my heartbeat races too fast, i get sweaty, it's pathetic. It's like he thinks he owns me or something. And it's just me, he doesn't bother even talking to the people beside me. I'm tired of it. It bothers me, even when i'm not there.


So he is putting you in 'adrinaline mode' because he is making you angry by being a dickhead on a day to day basis. I understand now.

Unfortunatily, there is no shortage of *******s in this world. It doesn't really improve when you get older; the dynamics just change.

People talking about you behind yor back, or worse, right in front of you, but so you can't hear them...this will happend no matter who you are and where you go. When you get older, if you happend to get an office job, you'll find that office politics are about the same as high school. In social situations there is always that one guy or girl nearby who trys to compete with you, talk bad about you, or whatever. I have even heard elderly people talk about this and that, and I find that the politics in an old folks home or the bingo hall is about the level of maturity of a high school. This is something that will never change.

What does change, and that you can look forward too, is the environment. As an adult, you have more control over who you can surround yourself with. In high school, you are basically taking a bunch of teenagers, many with very little in common, and forcing them to go to a building that they would most likely rather not be in for 7 hours every day for nine months. Some of these people you are basically forced to grow up with as they follow you for about 12 years through grade school, to middle school, then to high school. In this kind of environment, the sniping and backbiting can be much more cruel, and much more fustrating to deal with. You can look forward to having more choices as too who you surround yourself with when you are out of high school for sure.

Solution?? Well, unless he trys to physically harm you, fighting is out of the picture. So, you are now forced to deal with it through non-violent means. Look at this as a good learning experience, and a good test of your tenacity and intestinal fortitude. How you handle it nonviolently will depend on you. There is no surefire way to deal with annoying people. There are a couple things you can do that will make your life easier, though. The #1 thing you can do is don't give him any control over your emotions. If he "makes you angry" or "upsets you" then you have given him control. Don't do it. I put "makes you angry" in quotes because as much as I hate to admit this, no one can "make" us do anything when it comes to our emotions. We are in control of our emotions whether we realize it or not. His actions are annoying, but you can control whether you choose to let it make you angry or not. In almost every case, if you are able to change your outlook on the circumstance, your emotions will follow. An example would be if your outlook is "He is talking about me and making me look stupid in front of everyone!" this can change too "He's talking about me because he is insecure about himself. No one really cares that much about what he has to say, and I don't care about what he or anyone else thinks about me anyways. By talking about me he only looks like a dick. As long as I handle it without getting pissed, he'll look stupid rather then me." As you can see, when you realize that you have control over your outlook on things, then you can then see that you also can control your emotions.

So, the best thing you can do is not let it bother you. Yes...I know that this cliche', and easier said then done. How you handle it will depend on what is most comfortable to you. If your more introverted, ignoring him might be the best choice for you. I am so extroverted that I would draw even more attention to the situation so they would be embarrassed. If someone was talking about me and laughing with their friends I'd yell something out like, "Wow! Your all starring me up and down and giggling with your friends like a bunch of school girls. Don't be shy...if you want to date me, just ask! :kiss:" That solution wouldn't work for everyone, but it worked well for me. Sure, this would be poor self defense to do as an adult towards a bunch of strangers, but in a high school situation it is fine.

Bottom line: when you can control your emotions, then you will be able to come up with the best solution regarding the circumstance.

heh...try to have fun with this one! ;)


Nick Ellerton

dude bottomline is if this guy is still annoying you and ur still whinning about it thump the ever loving piss out of him and ull prolly feel a lot better


hey guys. thanks again. yea, i just want it all to chill. later.

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