Is anyone familar with Jack Hwang's All American Open?



Just curious if anyone on this board is familar with Jack Hwang's All American Open. I think it is coming up in the next few weeks.
Jack Hwang has been around OKC for a long time. I don't know if he has changed his rules any, but if there the same as back in the 80's and early 90's, you'll have your hands full as a TKD practicioner. He allowed lots of hand techniques, spinning back fists, ridge hands, full face punches and not to be outdone, the infamous groin kick was allowed. I certainly hope he has changed his rules of engagement. He has always carried himself as a Karate person and not really a TKD person. Word of warning.......Do not wear anything on your uniform (Gi/Dobok) that has any connection to TKD. The past has shown that you will not get an even hand treatment from the judges if they know your TKD. I also hope that has changed, but better safe than sorry.
Hmm that is intersting to know.
I am going to watch the open, not compete. I actually started Grand Master Hwang's academy last Wednesday night with my son. Sounds like we are in for a handful in our training.
I was hoping to meet some people from the board at the open is another reason I was posting.
That's a different story. Actually you'll get some good training from his school. I would be interested to see if things have changed. Please let us know your review of the competition. Good luck with your training and start off easy. Most people hurt themselves when just starting, by trying too do to much to soon.
That's interesting because GM Jack Hwang used to publish a TKD magazine-I think it was only around for a year or two. He was/is Moo Duk Kwan and is one of the earliest Korean-American instructors.

Im so glad someone asked. I am a student of Jack Hwang. If we are talking about the Oklahoma City tourney... it is usually in March or April, the last couple of years it was in April. As for the comment " he has always been more of a karate guy" Im not sure where you got that, but thats cool. Dont worry, you will not be judged on your uniform whether you have splits master or side kick master or w/e, lol. In fact, most the judges arent Jack Hwang least in the black belt competition. Well, hope you come, the last few years there has been some good competion. Hopefully Mexico City will come and we will have team fighting, thats always fun. Uhm also, Im new to this thing and Im tired how in the world do I post a thread?

Cheers - Tyler

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