Instructional videos available soon

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
I wanted to announce to the MT community that I will soon be releasing a series of instructional videos in the rare system of Tibetan White Crane kungfu. These videos have been in production for the last three years, and we are in the final stages of editing. I expect them to be available by the middle of next month.

Currently I am offering an eight-video series, at $49.99 each, or buy the whole set for $350.00.

Video #1: Comprehensive Basics
Video #2: The First Form: Lok Lik Kuen
Video #3: The Second Form: Chuit Yap Bo Kuen, the complete set with Da Saat
Video #4: Tiet Lien Kuen
Video #5: Bak Hok Kuen
Video #6: Sau Lok Churng
Video #7: Fei Hok Dao
Video #8: Fa Churng

This series comprises the first level of the system.
Video instruction of the higher levels of the system will be produced and come available as I learn them myself.

Orders will be accepted via PM here on Martialtalk.

awesome. will you also upload some previews?

nope, cash orders only. No previews. I worked damn hard on this, busting my ***. There's no way I'm gonna let this leak out. You don't pay, you don't play.

You want the goods? PAY UP!!!

What the heck if Crane is doing it why not me too

I will be offering Xingyiquan videos six-video series, at $49.99 each, or buy the whole set for $275.00.

Video #1: Stance Training; Zhan Zhuang, Santi Shi
Video #2: The 5 Elements; Xingyiquan Wuxing
Video #3: The 5 Elements Cascade Form
Video #4: Xingyi Nei Gong
Video #5: Xingyiquan Staff
Video #6: Applications of Xingyiquan Wuxing

And As I learn more I will make more available
Excuse me, but will you be accepting applications for cross-ranking in Tibetan White Crane? I earned a 4th duan in skunk fist 20 years ago along with a yellow belt in tae kwon do. I kick major butt. Can you make me a master in your system? I pledge to bring you in for major test fees at my YMCA program!
Excuse me, but will you be accepting applications for cross-ranking in Tibetan White Crane? I earned a 4th duan in skunk fist 20 years ago along with a yellow belt in tae kwon do. I kick major butt. Can you make me a master in your system? I pledge to bring you in for major test fees at my YMCA program!

I am working closely with a print shop to design appropriate certificates. A small and unreasonable deposit will reserve your place in line. You are the first to make inquiry, and will receive certificate number 00000001, if you act within the next 60 minutes.
My Kung Fu's no good. :(
What the heck if Crane is doing it why not me too...

There comes a time in a man's life when he has to step back and take stock of what he is doing and why he is doing it.

For all these years, the martial arts has been about learning a system of esoteric knowledge and skills, holding up the integrity of the art that I practice, developing the skills to the highest degree possible, making countless personal sacrifices in order to do so. Even accepting a life of austere poverty, if that is what it takes.

**** all that. IT'S TIME TO MAKE BANK!!!

welcome aboard, sir. So glad you saw fit to join me.
Can we work something out? If you agree to share one set of videos with me, I'll give you a deep, deep wholesale discount on my certification study in Rhee Bok Do.

You could bundle it in with your videos and have it be an added-value deal. It will attract a wider audience and may even quell the concerns of the do-it-now types. It is scientifically proven too...countless studies have show running away from a fight, on average, results in less injury and fewer lawsuits than being in a fight.

In addition, well...I was never really sure how to bring this up, but now looks like as good of a time than ever. I have learned a lot from the folks here on Martial Talk...including a lot from you. You're sensible, knowledgeable, talented, and I hold you in very high esteem. In addition, your dedication to the arts is something that many should follow as an example. As such, I am offering you personally this black belt in Rhee Bok Do.

I hope you will at least consider it?
Can we work something out? If you agree to share one set of videos with me, I'll give you a deep, deep wholesale discount on my certification study in Rhee Bok Do.

You could bundle it in with your videos and have it be an added-value deal. It will attract a wider audience and may even quell the concerns of the do-it-now types. It is scientifically proven too...countless studies have show running away from a fight, on average, results in less injury and fewer lawsuits than being in a fight.

In addition, well...I was never really sure how to bring this up, but now looks like as good of a time than ever. I have learned a lot from the folks here on Martial Talk...including a lot from you. You're sensible, knowledgeable, talented, and I hold you in very high esteem. In addition, your dedication to the arts is something that many should follow as an example. As such, I am offering you personally this black belt in Rhee Bok Do.

I hope you will at least consider it?

Please refer back to my post, #11. And I quote, "**** all that, IT'S TIME TO MAKE BANK!!!"

I believe that should convey the appropriate tone and should adequately answer your questions and respond to your offer.
A Porsche? Why aim so monetarily low? Why not aim for an Enzo?

If the Panamera is what you had in mind, I'd like to suggest the Maser or the up coming Aston four door sport coupe.

If the Cayenne is what you had in mind, well.... it defines its market by being the sole occupant.

A Porsche? Why aim so monetarily low? Why not aim for an Enzo?

If the Panamera is what you had in mind, I'd like to suggest the Maser or the up coming Aston four door sport coupe.

If the Cayenne is what you had in mind, well.... it defines its market by being the sole occupant.


I'm liking this instructional video idea. I will have to come up with my own for that secret Kamiya Kashin style that was passed down to me directly by Myojin Kenshin, son of Soke Myojin Yahiko who learned directly from Kamiya Kaouru and infused the secrets of the Hiten Mitsurugi style from Himura Kenshin.

I have of course further enhanced this style with secrets from the Muye Dobo Tongji and added in Matrixdo bullet deflecting techniques to update this unique kendo style.

Please refer back to my post, #11. And I quote, "**** all that, IT'S TIME TO MAKE BANK!!!"

I believe that should convey the appropriate tone and should adequately answer your questions and respond to your offer.

Fine. I see where this is going.

I have a reality-based self defense that has been proven time and time again on the streets. You know when people train in martial arts they get a lot of fluff and filler. And so much of it is to weasel people out of their hard-earned cash. I can cut through that and teach you all the secrets, including stuff the police do NOT want you to know.

You can order my exclusive Rhee Bok Do training for $99.99 Paypal, and for just $5.00 more, I will ship FedEx overnight to any US and most Canadian destinations. This order is not eligible for Amazon Prime.

Don't waste any more time. You could be learning tomorrow!!

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