increased mailbox size

2 hints:



If I say anything more, it'll give it away.
Why Carol? Is that for sweeping them away? :shock:

That was BOOMstick Shads ;) :shooter::mp5:

Ash's fave weapon against the Deadites was his trusty boomstick...aka "the ol' double barrel" ;)
heck, somehow I did it, and I don't even know what I did! LOL!

Okay, Bob, I was just going to get a Supporting Membership but now you've tweaked my puzzle-solving gene and I'm going to have to try and figure it out first :D.

Okay, Bob, I was just going to get a Supporting Membership but now you've tweaked my puzzle-solving gene and I'm going to have to try and figure it out first :D.

Well, since I didn't take ANY kind of oath that says I can't help someone out on this, I'll drop another clue!

You are SOOOOOO close on this one with this statement you posted... ;)
I've got a bit of an idea, if I'm right that was a very good clue.

I'm still keeping my windmill hidden though... :D
I suspect that we have had the same direction of thought on this one, Shaderon ... and hide that windmill as you may, one day ... one day :lol:.

Then again, once the torches of the pitchfork waving villagers burn out, how will they find anything :D.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to properly thank tkdgirl for her thought-augmenting clue :rei:
True, it'll be very very dark.

I have a box of matches though, I hear peasants burn very well...... *cackle*
Ok after a little behind the scenes deliberation (we have chatted quickly about it) me and Suk reckon it's something to do with reputation. We are not sure about the number 0688123163 though. My thoughts is that it's got to be a value of something because if it was just a number it wouldn't have a zero on the front.

Can anyone think what a 10 figure number might be used for related to reputation?

Mods, any comments on this so far?
Well, if the "reputation received" is a fixed size field, then it's not uncommon for leading zeroes to be added.

Still, if it's "rep points in", even tho' they are an order of magnitude greater than "rep power", that's still an awful lot of reputation (about 68 million).

So I'm guessing that there's some double byte jiggery-pokery going on with the odd check bit floating around ... {:fishing:}.
nothing to do with reputation

Crushing's reply holds a piece of the answer however.
Hmmm ok so we have this *looks upwards*

and 0688123163 and


anyone good at puzzles? *scratches head*
well, thats a 10 digit number. however, in the US, I don't think phone numbers can begin with a 0 :p