inadequate in sparring

i meant i'm 50kg not 50yrs old, lol. failing to act on what one knows is true... hmm that could be a case for me as well. it's always when u go home and recollect that u realise all the faults in the game. obviously at the time u can't think and rationalise properly. bugger! i want a rematch now! haha
Originally posted by Kirk
Well one thing I've learned from this thread is ... don't spar
people from outside your school. Kicking in the face and taking out the knees??? Here I was thinking sparring was a tool that you and your partner used to develop timing, and learning the proper gap necessary to use specific weapons.

well that's what i mean... sparring is a tool, not a life and death situation where u'd have to REALLY use ur skills. that's one reason i don't put much force into my strikes, because it's a tool to learn timing, reaction, a sense of feeling, etc etc. i don't need a 100kg guy driving his full weight into my chest to get a feeling of forward energy. once he's taken my space he should have backed off. lucky for me i didn't fall over with him on top of me, or i'd be squished to death! and i, in turn didn't need to drive my fists into the side of his head for him to know i got him. the taps were enough to show i got through. if i clench my fists and i'd be 3 inches into his head, but i don't need to do that to get the point across. i was joking about taking the knees out in sparring btw :p i was just saying that someone so big who doesn't acknowledge or respect the other person's skill in sparring won't learn unless u do to them what they do to you...
Originally posted by ekkaia
well that's what i mean... sparring is a tool, not a life and death situation where u'd have to REALLY use ur skills. that's one reason i don't put much force into my strikes, because it's a tool to learn timing, reaction, a sense of feeling, etc etc. i don't need a 100kg guy driving his full weight into my chest to get a feeling of forward energy. once he's taken my space he should have backed off. lucky for me i didn't fall over with him on top of me, or i'd be squished to death! and i, in turn didn't need to drive my fists into the side of his head for him to know i got him. the taps were enough to show i got through. if i clench my fists and i'd be 3 inches into his head, but i don't need to do that to get the point across. i was joking about taking the knees out in sparring btw :p i was just saying that someone so big who doesn't acknowledge or respect the other person's skill in sparring won't learn unless u do to them what they do to you...

Okay, I gotcha. Sorry I misunderstood! .. breathing a HUGE
sigh of relief now. :)
Originally posted by ekkaia
what do you mean by inadequate? i've had problems with sparring recently as well. my gripe comes with the force i go at. i just can't bring myself to strike with much force and hurt the other person. apparently my hands are quite fast (this is what my sparring partners have said), so i usually just 'tap'. i even find myself drawing back with my fists so i don't actually connect with the head (very bad habit pulling shots i know...) we don't use equipment so i don't feel it necessary to pound the other person...

then the other day i come up against someone literally twice my size. 100kg (i'm 50) and he tried to pound the crap outta me! i'd never seen him spar or even touch hands with someone before, so i was just taking it easy and seeing what he had. at the time i didn't feel like he was trying to really hurt me, so i didn't get annoyed enough to go with a bit more force on him. i was just concentrating on myself and getting outta the way basically! i got a few of my tappy shots in, and in hindsight that's when he got aggressive. full weight behind his shoulder pushes and finally he got a punch in right to my mouth. shocked at the time, no bleeding or anything. i was ready to continue, hehe. (that didn't happen though, training bro got annoyed and sparred him instead, and dropped him :D ) later on my friends said he was going really hard on me and they wanted to take him on, haha. but how would/should one deal with such aggressive force in a sparring context? note the size difference, and my knee shots weren't acknowledged (he has bad knees, so i didn't go all the way through. and mind u, he'd back off a tiny bit and literally drive into me right afterwards). any thoughts? i've just come to the conclusion i shouldn't spar ppl like that, and the only way they learn is if i play dirty and kick their knees out :p :D
If the opponent has bad knees, that's understandable. He hit you in the mouth? If shots to the face work, then do the same. It shouldn't be that the guy can do this and that while you are limited to such few moves.

From how you describe it, it just looks like the guy lost his cool but he got it coming for getting all fussy over it (as your training partner dropped him).
It occurs to me that: a) good for you for not breaking his knees; b) why not bow out and say, "I think we both need to stop until we recover our composure and control?"

After all, the arts are supposed to mean handling the situation with the least violence possible...and by the way, where the heck was the teacher of the class while this was going on? When I had the problem a couple of weeks ago, Clyde was right up my tailfeathers making sure that nothing unreasonable was transpiring...
Originally posted by ekkaia
what do you mean by inadequate?

Well, I wasn't doing very well against one of my students, I'm not the head instructor by the way I just teach the morning classes twice a week. Things were just going wrong for me, I wasn't landing any shots and taking a lot of em it seemed. Now that I look back on it I think I was trying to go really soft and he wasn't so I wasn't keeping up with him. I think I was just feeling sorry for myself and wanted to whine. I got lots of encouragement from all of you guys and I really appreciate it, I think it helped a lot.
yeh i'm the same with not keeping up. i personally don't think alot of the times when touching hands, i just try and concentrate on my defences against any type of force. it's my attack that needs working on i guess.

rmc, my sifu was walking around in between the rooms at the time (we have a clinic next door to the training area). he's 76yrs old and doesn't teach the class anymore, that's what my sihing and i do. since my sihing was there, he was the one supervising everyone. i personally don't think i lost my cool, that's why i'm bitching and moaning now about how i wish i did, lol :D