I'm Sure I've Linked This Before ...

Now I am absolutely certain I have linked this before ... but it's worth it again :D

Tawny Kitaen plus Jags plus Whitesnake ... awesomeness ...

And a little 80's guilty pleasure for me ...

Wonderfully uplifting music and some quite marvellous video game cut scenes:


Not that cool a video, but it's 2H....two steps from hell. :angel:
(I am never sure if I am moving toward or away though..)
From when I heard this song as a young boy I have always loved it:


The same for this one:


Okay, maybe having just lost my wife means it was inevitable that that song would reduce me to helpless tears :(.

These ones too - better stop listening to these tonight if I don't want sore eyes:


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reminiscing about reminiscing:

ok, in 69 I was happily pooping in my diapers...but still, thinking about how old the song is by now... makes me feel OLD...:lol:

great summer song though, go driving with the top down...or all windows......
"Run to You" was always my favourite of his:


It's not just because Lysette Anthony is in the video either (one of the most beautiful women to walk the green earth in my opinion). Mind you I do have to admit my emotional association with it is 'girl' related for it always brings to mind sitting on the dance floor of the Highwayman watching this on the big wall screen (a huge novelty back then) with the first nearly-Mrs snuggled in my arms.
Got Brian Adams in my CD player in the car...and the weather is warming up.....sheer bliss! :)

Now I know I really have never linked this one before but I stumbled across it whilst link surfing solo's by my favourite guitarists and I so strongly agree with the fellow that I just had to post it :D.


I don't think I need explain this one.
I've resisted putting this one up because it is personal about me rather than for me. For this was my wife's song that she held in her heart about her feelings for me:


Well, as expected, that had me in floods. For I well remember us sitting in her car outside her house listening to this after our first 'official' date and her telling me of the years she had waited for me to realise what she felt.

I don't think I need explain this one.

Reminds me of this:
(the video gets me every time...yes, gives me chills...every time.)

I had never heard of Thunder. strong song!
Thunder are indeed a fabulous band. You can imagine what it means for a fellow to have a woman tell him that the lyrics of a song like that are about him as far as she is concerned.
Thunder are indeed a fabulous band. You can imagine what it means for a fellow to have a woman tell him that the lyrics of a song like that are about him as far as she is concerned.

The Missus picked a good song for you! :)
The power of music to enunciate emotion never ceases to amaze me. This particular piece has always been one to bring out poignant sadness in me, particularly now:


For those that don't know it is from the end of Season Two of Buffy where she has to come to terms with losing Angel.

That was one of the two Billy Joel songs my Mom had chosen for my sister's memorial service. It describes her to a T.
(The other was 'She's got a way about her' I think my sister loved it, and it, too resembled her)

Now, neither song is played much on the radio, and I don't listen to radio much anymore either...
I had returned from home, attending the funeral, helping my mom emptying my sister's house, to get it ready to sell....
I was driving down the road, considering how different her house felt, with all warmth and spirit gone, just an empty shell, when I realized, that song was on the radio.....
or nearing the anniversary of her passing the other song played.
(and now I am bawling....it's been 5 years, and it still can be raw. Although she hated my guts most of the time, she was my big sister! My hero in many things, until I had to accept the fact she would never be pleased with my existence.)

(I always thought 'Frozen' by Madonna captured my relationship with her. When I lost her, my heart broke)

(and in case you feel bad about shedding tears: Tears are a language God understands. Depending on the reason why they are shed, the chemical composition is vastly different. it's a church song, hence the God thing....)
The pain of loss is something that wields a power to touch us all, my friend. As you would wish to lend me your shoulder for when the tears come when I am alone, so I too would wish that I could find some way to ease your pain. Altho' it is not the same as having your friends in the same room with you in a literal sense, I have found that the connections made over years using the Net do help - my friends here at MT have listened to my grief and given of their time and words to express their sorrow with me and that truly does help.
Continuing my emotional and introspective vein here, this song is the one that I always told my wife I dedicated to her for how she made me feel:

A lovely song that I have adored since my teens:


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