I absolutely LOVE it.


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
There's been a lot of cool changes to MT lately, which are all awesome of course... but I absolutely LOVE that I can see who I've given rep to recently, as well as how much 'power' I have. It's definitely a bonus.

:partyon: For MT!
I gotta agree with you wholeheartedly Sam! It is so nice to have those features. :D

Thanks again, Bob, for all the hard work!
Lisa said:
I gotta agree with you wholeheartedly Sam! It is so nice to have those features. :D

Thanks again, Bob, for all the hard work!

Ditto to what she said!:)
Ditto to the ditto. ... I hope I'm not being redundantly repetitive with my reinteration.

... Seriously, the whole thing is a great improvement, Bob. It takes a lot of time and work to make something worthwhile and you've done that here. It's greatly appreciated.
we should get bob hubbard dolls. we can all worship them, just like the joe boo in that one movie.

(okay, just kidding). but seriously. what would we do with our free time otherwise?
Most of my posting is done at work for 8 hrs straight or in the hour before I go to bed. ... so, apparently, without the forum I would get more work done and a better night's sleep.

Eh, who needs that?! .. Good thing the forum is here to keep me from being healthy and productive!

I like the rapid posting of the Quick Reply option now. It doesn't even seem to reload the window!