How many believe there was conspiracy behind bruce lee´s death


Black Belt
Feb 4, 2009
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san ysidro
after reading some of these things ....

The death of Bruce and Brandon Lee...Illuminati Conspiracy?

I want to bring to your awareness something that may well be of interest to you. I have been a fan of Bruce Lee since I was a child and I am also a fan of his late son Brandon also. Anyway, I've been researching the conspiracy myself for many years and it wasnt until lately that I discovered something very strange!

Rest of the article here
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He shouldn't have stacked his meds.

The Illuminati never had much influence, and as a group are long dead.
Do I belive there might have been a plan by someone or some group to kill him. yes
Do I think those you mentioned had anything to do with it. NO

I would more belive he was struck by a blow that caused problems to his health
If he would not have been on the hash, he would not have ended up the way he did.

Remember how he lived. not how he died.
It's well documented that Bruce Lee had been seen for allergic reactions to certain meds in his past.

I hate he had a headache, but you should never take someone elses meds.

Do I believe the world's elite want total dominance over our lives? Yeah... I do, but I don't believe Bruce or his son were assasinated by them.
Hello, Facts or NOT? ...many people will form there own opinions...NO matter the results

Every high profiler...that dies...all go thru this "conspiracy" ..

Elvis,Marylan Monroe,Bruce Lee, Kennedys, etc...and future deaths...of high profilers...endless more "conspiracy" stuffs... endless...

Funny thing here... as a young person...opinons are you middle age...opinons an old person? ..again opinion changes..

We will never KNOW? ... How Bruce Lees thoughts on many ascpects on the Maritla arts would have been as he ages.....we can only guess...

Bruce Lee will always be ICON to many of us....forever!

As far as for Brandon....(someone wanted him dead) and somehow succeeded....very sad!

It's your choice to believe what you want to believe....that is OK!

still looking into "Adam and Eve" it a fact or "conspircy? lineage...?

Apples? ...does it makes you smarter? .....had two today...notice NO difference so far...

Bruce Lee killed by the Illuminati? I don't know how to respond to this in a way that isn't condescending or belittling.
Sooo...The evil,menacing Illuminati waited until Bruce Lee became popular lurking in the shadows conjured up a demon to use to kill him at the ripe age of 32 in an effort to....??

Then they cooked up another plot to wait 28years to kill his son in a movie and used cleaver hidden messages in the movie that only you can see Suicide?

Let me create the story using smiley icons:

The :partyon: waited until :yoda:became popular lurking in the shadows conjured up a :kane:to use to kill him at the ripe age of 32 in an effort to...?

Then they :barf: up another plot to wait 28 years to kill his :karate: in a :jediduel::matrix: using clever messages only you can see :erg:?
Besides being a workaholic , trainaholic and not sleeping and eating like he should...He smoked some good hash(he loved hashish) and compounded the problem with meds that werent his... cereberal adema ensued as a result... was he with his hong kong philly at the time? sure. Was she sent to kill him?? Only with kindness, if you know what I mean;).... His death immortalized him which is normally not the goal if you want to stop someone... You dont assassinate someone just to make thier spirit and message even stronger than it was in life.
As much as I want to believe someone had him killed... There is too much to the contrary...
That does not mean that someone didnt have him doesnt mean there wasnt some plot to kill him... its just the only supporting evidence exists in the imagination...
Same with Brandon...
There is a book available online as a pdf file called UNSETTLED MATTERS that is a good read for fans and conspiracy theorists alike.

Interview of the author:

Regarding Brandon Lee's death:

Blank guns can kill.
I believe there was a conspiracy behind his death. But, not on how he died. I think that he died because the actress and Chow panicked and didn't want a scandal on their hands of why Bruce was at some girl's apartment sleeping when he should have been home with his wife and family.

His adultry is what killed him. If he would have taken the same meds at home and the same thing happened you know his wife would have called the paramedics ASAP. Might have still ended the same way, but there wouldn't be all the controversy.
See Hexum, Jon-Erik...

On October 12, 1984, in between filming scenes on the set of Cover Up, Hexum was critically wounded after he placed a .44 Magnum prop gun loaded with blanks to his temple and pulled the trigger. The accident happened during the filming of a scene where Hexum’s character (Mac Harper) was supposed to unload a handgun and replace the bullets with blanks – as the script required. However, the shooting was delayed and Hexum – being overworked and tired due to his tight filming schedule and various TV appearances[citation needed] – fell asleep. Hexum awoke, realizing that the scene still was not ready to be shot, and put the gun to his head. Of all the crewmembers in the studio that day, no one claims to have seen the shooting.[5]
Hexum was apparently not informed that blanks use paper or plastic wadding to seal gun powder into the shell, and that this wadding is propelled out of the barrel of the gun with enough force to cause severe injury or death if the weapon is fired within a few inches of the body, especially if pointed at a particularly vulnerable spot, such as the temple or the eye. Although the paper wadding in the blank that Hexum discharged did not penetrate his skull, the wad struck him in the temple with enough blunt force trauma to shatter a quarter-sized piece of his skull and propel the pieces into his brain causing massive hemorrhaging.[2][6]

Essentially those are the facts as I recall. Since the Hexum and Lee deaths, studios have become more safety conscious. Even non-firing prop weapons are handled with the same care as actual firearms. Sending the firearms handler home, which happened in Lee's case, is against the rules. Once a scene is finished, the weapon is collected.

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