How long will you live? Yet another lifespan calculator

90. 55 more years of this. Dear God, I'm deaf already. Better invest in a decent ear trumpet.

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It tells me 90. Does that mean that I am healthy or just stubborn?
93 - I think the calculator thinks I'm overweight.
The little quiz said 85, but the normal life expectacy for guys with my illness is 56 so I hope the quiz is right! :)
Well mine said 94 first up so I went back and changed me to female. That gave me 97. So is a gender change worth the effort to get another three years as a ninety something year old? Do I then have to change my tag to K-Woman or does K-Girl look better. Life is just becoming too complicated. :s472:
Well mine said 94 first up so I went back and changed me to female. That gave me 97. So is a gender change worth the effort to get another three years as a ninety something year old? Do I then have to change my tag to K-Woman or does K-Girl look better. Life is just becoming too complicated. :s472:

Special K....
It says I'll live to 90. Statistically, with my cancer, I've got about 3 more years, not 40, so I hope the software has spoken with my tumors...
Well mine said 94 first up so I went back and changed me to female. That gave me 97. So is a gender change worth the effort to get another three years as a ninety something year old? Do I then have to change my tag to K-Woman or does K-Girl look better. Life is just becoming too complicated. :s472:
88, but like Makalakuma said, it thinks I'm significantly overweight. I wish they would just throw the BMI out the ******* window. Useless garbage.
Mine said 86. Not likely, but then I noticed it's from an insurance company and the last set of choices is to connect you with a financial planner. It's front loaded to predict a long life so you'll be afraid you'll go broke before you die and run to the financial planner.
Well we only have your word that you're actually male anyway , so you could be playing fast and loose with the stats. I'd suggest K-wench.

Well mine said 94 first up so I went back and changed me to female. That gave me 97. So is a gender change worth the effort to get another three years as a ninety something year old? Do I then have to change my tag to K-Woman or does K-Girl look better. Life is just becoming too complicated. :s472:
93? Much of my family was indeed long lived. However, 93 considering I have had triple by-pass, and continue to take blood pressure and cholesterol medication makes me think that is a stretch. However, it would allow me to meet more of my progeny which would be neat assuming I am not sitting in a wheel chair drooling down my chin. :uhyeah:
83 for me... I just hope that my pension will be good enough to last me until then :)