How long should I be able to hold a horse stance?


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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It would also matter how deep it is of course but assuming it is a "good" horse stance. How long should I be able to keep it without stopping?
It really depends on your fitness level, and how often you are in a horse stance. There's no definitive amount, just like there's no definitive amount of pushups you should be able to do at once.
3 hours, 42 minutes, and 16 seconds exactly. No more, no less. I determined this from astrological calculations based on the date you joined MartialTalk, so this is a precise scientific recommendation customized for you specifically.

I tested the accuracy of the formula by running the same calculations for myself based on my MartialTalk join date. They showed that my personal recommendation is for 2 minutes and 15 seconds, which seems about right, so I feel confident that my guidelines for you are equally accurate.
It would also matter how deep it is of course but assuming it is a "good" horse stance. How long should I be able to keep it without stopping?
Depends how long you want to ride the horse for
It would also matter how deep it is of course but assuming it is a "good" horse stance. How long should I be able to keep it without stopping?
Seriously though there's no real answer since you could do if one length of time one day fhe next you may not be able to do it anywhere near same as doing any exercise it all depends on hundreds of factors.
While it certainly works the legs, back etc, I consider it an exercise in discipline more than anything else. And it's going to suck. I think it's supposed to.

Whatever the case, you'll be able to hold it longer if you're working slow, focused punches while you hold it.
It's just something you work on.

If your stance is deep and correct, once you pass five minutes you are doing pretty well.
In our Wing Chun school you have to be able to hold it for 5 minutes before learning the pole. Then in Shaolin we hold it sometimes for up to 10-15 minutes. It really depends, I don't think there's any fixed number. There are other things that are more important in terms of leg strength in my opinion, such as how much you can squat, how many body weight squats you can do, etc.
I will add that the stance ought to be a proper and decent horse stance, which means not too wide and not too deep. Sometimes I see people who spread their feet out way too far, and drop so low that their butt is sagging below their knees. That is not a proper stance and does not help your development.
3 hours, 42 minutes, and 16 seconds exactly. No more, no less. I determined this from astrological calculations based on the date you joined MartialTalk, so this is a precise scientific recommendation customized for you specifically.

I tested the accuracy of the formula by running the same calculations for myself based on my MartialTalk join date. They showed that my personal recommendation is for 2 minutes and 15 seconds, which seems about right, so I feel confident that my guidelines for you are equally accurate.

I would say about 20 minutes to an hour.

I've got a long way to go, I have only done it for 20 because that's what was required of me for my current belt.
How long should I be able to keep it without stopping?
- My teacher's teacher could stand in horse stance and finished his dinner.
- My teacher could stand in horse stance and finished watching Beijing opera.
- When I was young, I could stand in horse stance and finish my beer. Now I'm not young, I can still stand in horse stance and finish my coffee.
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I've got a long way to go,...
There is a way to extend your horse stance time. Keep your legs straight, bend your body forward, and touch your hands on the ground. When you feel no longer be able to stretch like this, do your horse stance. Now your horse stance can make you feel like "resting". The reverse is also true.
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I will add that the stance ought to be a proper and decent horse stance, which means not too wide and not too deep. Sometimes I see people who spread their feet out way too far, and drop so low that their butt is sagging below their knees. That is not a proper stance and does not help your development.
Good point. What would you consider a "proper and decent" horse stance?
How long not important. How well you can kick out of that stance is. Also how well you can absorb a full power quadricep punch while in it.
3 hours, 42 minutes, and 16 seconds exactly. No more, no less. I determined this from astrological calculations based on the date you joined MartialTalk, so this is a precise scientific recommendation customized for you specifically.

I tested the accuracy of the formula by running the same calculations for myself based on my MartialTalk join date. They showed that my personal recommendation is for 2 minutes and 15 seconds, which seems about right, so I feel confident that my guidelines for you are equally accurate.
Dang 3 hours. I'm sticking a reminder on my computer right now , which says, "Don't ask Tony how long you need to do an exercise" lol.

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