HI! from bookworm_cn317


2nd Black Belt
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Va Beach, Virginia
I'm a purple belt in tae kwon do. I started in 1998, but, due to circumstances that were REALLY beyond my control, I had to "take a vacation" from TKD. But, I started back up again.
I'm from the southern US.
My Hobbies: -- reading, listening to music, anime, hanging out at the mall, surfing the internet, playing guitar, playing computer games
My name's Chris, & I'm 25. And a female, by the way!
March 17, 1981
Misc. Info:
quiet bookworm who loves books(obviously), anime, classic rock, KISS, VH1, CSI(all the versions), SNL, Law & Order: SVU, and the movie RENT
Welcome and Happy Posting! If you need anything just shoot me a PM and I will try my best to help you out! :wavey:
Welcome to MT, Chris. You're pretty talkative for a bookworm, but we like that here. :) Glad to have you with us!

btw. We have lots of females, so you're in good company! :)
Aloha and welcome to MT. Look forward to sharing stories with you and Happy posting.


Welcome - what kind of books do you read? I like sci-fi/fantasy myself...

Happy posting!
Gemini, I'm more talkative online. It's easier for me that way. No wondering if I look weird or whatever.

Kacey, the kind of books I read are mysteries, graphic novels, pretty much anything from the humor section, reference (Yes, I read reference books for fun! What can I say I'm weird.), and the occasional Stephen King.
Welcome to MT!! Enjoy your stay!:ultracool

Hey, Chris! Welcome to MT! :wavey:
Welcome to Martial Talk Chris! It's a pleasure to have you here. Hope you enjoy the board. :)

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