Hello from Troy NY


Orange Belt
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Troy NY
I posted my intro in the Beginners Corner by accident, so I would like to correct my error here.

My name is Steve and I live in upstate NY. I have been a practitioner of wing chun kung fu since 1995. However, allow my humility to show through when I say that timespan isn't as impressive as it might sound. I was really super devoted for my first two years. Then my workload at college got too heavy to go. After that I fell into some kind of weird funk that I just couldn't get myself out of; there were times when I was driving to class and it felt like I was driving to work...and we all know how pleasurable THAT experience is, right? LOL So for a while I fell in and out of love with the style, only to have a major rebirth of interest in 2008. Naturally, that was when they changed my hours at work. (My shift is 12:30-8:30, which clearly prevents me from attending class at 6-7!!!) However, I don't let it keep me down: I constantly practice my forms, and at least once a month I use vacation time to escape my sedentary life so I can go to class and ask Sifu to look over my forms, at which time he gives me pointers to work on until I can come back.

I am also a coach with a company called Team Beachbody, which (as some of you may know) produces workout programs like P90X, Insanity, and 10 Minute Trainer. My experience with these programs is inextricably linked to my improved performance not just when it comes to physical fitness but to ALL parts of my life...my wing chun included. I am NOT here to get a cheap sale but, if someone expresses interest in those workouts, I will gladly share my knowledge with them. However, I am not a mindless drone: I know Beachbody workouts might not be the perfect fit for EVERYONE. However, it is simply my task to provide people with the knowledge I have gained since doing the programs in late 2010 so people can make a better choice on what might work for them.

Simply put: both wing chun and the workout programs are responsible for getting me where I am today, so I sing praises for both. I understand not all will share my passion, but I'm hoping that all (or at least MOST) of you will be open-minded and understanding enough to know that, when I discuss these things, it doesn't mean I am saying "Everything else sucks!!!" It just means I hold these things near and dear to me. They have changed my life in ways that I have always wanted to change them, but never knew how to...so if my passion for them comes off as close-minded zealotry, I apologize in advance!

I look forward to the discussions I will be having with you folks!

Also, I just wanted to add in that, before wing chun, I studied judo and a style that claimed to be "Shaolin Kung Fu," but I think it was more along the lines of wushu. I would actually like to get back to judo when I have wing chun more down pat because I think the two could be very compatible.
Welcome aboard the good ship Martial Talk, Steve. Have a mooch around, find a comfy chair, get a beer and don't be afraid to speak up when something takes your interest :D.
Thank you very much! I just felt the need to clear the air with that statement because I know other Beachbody coaches who post on discussion boards and get viciously attacked...just because they have "Beachbody" in their signature! I am an open-minded guy who understands what works for me does not work for everyone. Otherwise we wouldn't have all these different martial arts style and training programs around still...they would have all died out and everyone would do what I do!
Fear not, MT is one of the most decently Moderated sites it has been my pleasure to visit. So whilst you might get in to the odd spat with posters who really disagree with you, as long as it stays polite and within the regulations, then all will be fine. The worst flaming you will get here, and the thing that will tell you that you are definitely on the wrong track, is if the threads you start don't get many replies :).

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