Hello From Cape Cod


Yellow Belt
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Cod , Mass
New to the site- just wanted to say Hello!!
My Name is Andrea- from Cape Cod , MASS
I have been studying Kempo for only about 9 months and have found it to be one of the most rewarding accomplishments( aside from motherhood ) in my life. Soooo, I have my first tournement coming up next weekend scared to death. Being 31 not expecting too many adults of my rank (purple) to be there. Any suggestions on what to expect. i will be competing in Katas and Sparring.
Welcome Annie, I am so glad you decided to join us. I wish you lots of luck in your competition this weekend. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Posting! :wavey:
Go to the tournament and meet people, watch, compete, and learn as much as possible! You will come away with more experience which will make you a winner automatically!
Advice: loud kias in kata and keep your hands up in sparring, even after they yell BREAK! :)
I recently visited the Cape and had a blast!
Let us know how it goes!
Welcome to the forum Annie!:ultracool

Best of luck to you at the tournament! Please let us know how it goes.

Stickarts gave some sound advice! The most important thing to remember is, no matter what happens, have a good time!

Welcome Annie :)

My best advice for your first tourny is to Have Fun~! If able, watch some events before you're up and relax, don't eat heavy beforehand and have a great time~!

I hope you enjoy the Board~!

Welcome and enjoy your first tournament!
Hello Cape Cod, this is North Shore. ;)

Yay! Another Kenpo lady from the Bay State!


:partyon: :partyon:
Welcome to MT Annie...Happy posting...
You are absolutely corect Family first.

Aloha and welcome to the boards. happy Posting.


Welcome, Annie! Expect lots of fun at your tournament, and remember to relax and do your best!
Howdy! Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to MT, Annie! All I could say to help you is, don't "expect" anything". Once you get a mindset about how it's going to be, you leave room for uncertainty and disappointment. Being nervous is by no means unusual, so just try to stay relaxed and be assured evetrything will be fine. Trust me when I tell you you're probably going to have a great time. And if none of that works, remember that the person across from you is in the same boat and will be just as nervous. The more relaxed you look, the more nervous they'll get. Knowing that always helped me relax. Best of luck to you!