Hate Your Dentist? Not after these pics.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Found these at one of my favorite sites... :rolleyes:
Pictures of dentists hard at work... elsewhere in the third world or at least not quite as developed areas as they could be.
I'm guessing Pakistan, Turkey, Shanghai and a few other places... either way, you got tooth problems? These would be the guys you'd probably see.

So next time your dentist sets you up an appointment... be grateful when you step into that nice, clean, sterile and throughly modern office.


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that cant be healthy?
It probably isn't but what's the alternative. Tie a string to the offending tooth and a door knob? Either that or start a bar fight and just smile the whole time, pointing at your mouth saying... "here, here...right here..."

I'm not going to doubt that the "dentists" have degrees and training and know what they're doing. But in these (obviously) poor countries (ok maybe not china...) they can't open an office of their own and most likely their clientèle can't even afford the prices they would have to charge just to keep said office open. So, do the best you can to raise a few pennies a day to feed the family and provide a much needed and valuable service.
Might as well put all that training and money spent for it to good use.
wow horrible pictures...

What's horrible about them? That's how things are in those countries... though I'm sure they do have modern and clean dental facilities. But considering the poor they couldn't afford them. So make do the best you can.
The way things are headed in the US, it just might get to that point... Streetside docs. I can see the reality tv show now...

Anyway, in the Philippines, there's all kinds of medical procedures that can be discussed and haggled over for the fraction of what those procedures cost in the US. I saw mostly cosmetic surgery, but it's not too hard to imagine dental work with that same mentality.

I lost a tooth last year. My new ceramic one cost $1200 to make... That was before my insurance kicked in, which brought the total cost down considerably. When I went to the Philippines, the cost for the exact same thing with a real doctor (1 dentist to 10 'assistants' where I went) was $45US.

We may laugh at people in those countries. But I think we're getting had over here, too. It's all a matter of perspective.