Hand moves


White Belt
Dec 16, 2008
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I know that taekwondo is the unification of the kwans but i heard some of the kwans focus on hand moves like punches and knife hands. Why didn't taekwondo teaches these handmoves that some of the kwans focus on?
I know that taekwondo is the unification of the kwans but i heard some of the kwans focus on hand moves like punches and knife hands. Why didn't taekwondo teaches these handmoves that some of the kwans focus on?

It did. It does. Take a look at the Palgwe series of hyungs for a whole encyclopædia of hand/arm strikes: knifehands, hammerfists, elbow strikes galore—seriously, righteously mean elbows: spears, horizontal, vertical—and palm-heel strikes concealed as spearhands. It's all there.

What you're complaining about, shieldg, is not the technical content of the art but the WTF scoring system, which a fair number of dojangs build their curricula around. That represents around 5–10% of the full TKD monty. If you're studying TKD at a school where that's all you get, you're being cheated, IMO.
I see! I think i will change my dojang. I asked my senior, he said that taekwondo is a kicking mainly martial arts and that hand moves are chinese kempo and karate.
Well then your instructor is a sport base instructor because TKD uses the hands. So mnay people only train like it was for competition, to bad the real aspect of TKD is not the focus point of all the SD principle that if already has.
I see! I think i will change my dojang. I asked my senior, he said that taekwondo is a kicking mainly martial arts and that hand moves are chinese kempo and karate.

Migod... shieldg, TKD is Korean karate, i.e., the Korean growth of the original Okinawan linear striking art. Where does he think TKD came from? Doesn't he know that apart from Hwang Kee, every one of the founders of the original 5 Kwans in Korea that were forcibly unified to form TKD had earned black belts in Shotokan or Shudokan karate? That the original names for that pre-TKD MA were Kong Soo Do ('empty hand') and Tang su do ('China hand')—loan translations of the two meanings of kara te under different transliterations? That the name of one of the original Kwans, the Song Moo Kwan, is very close to a literal translation of Shotokan (Pine Tree Hall of Martial Training vs. Waving Pine (training) House)? That the glossary of TKD is full of Korean names for techniques which are identical to Shotokan karate moves? That many TKD forms are either literal copies of, or rearrangements of the parts of, Shotokan and Okinawan katas? That.....that.... that.... ????

WTF sparring style is an almost purely kicking sport. TKD is a complete, robust MA with plenty of hand techs (it is, after all, when you translate it, the Way of Kicking and Punching ('Striking with the Hand', more accurately)). Sounds like you're in a martial sport training school, not a place to learn the effective self-defense system underlying TKD techniques. In your place, I'd run, not walk, to the nearest exit! :erg:
I see! I think i will change my dojang. I asked my senior, he said that taekwondo is a kicking mainly martial arts and that hand moves are chinese kempo and karate.
I hate to say this about anyone on the web, but either the instructors are peddling that line, or he's just willfuly ignorant of the curriculum. If your school is teaching it that way, then shame on them.

Unfortunately, I feel that the Kukkiwon is certainly complicit in this confusion, though they don't go so far as to openly make such statements, well, not yet anyway.

The whole "its mainly a kicking art" is both a result of the WTF and an attempt to differentiate taekwondo from Shotokan. Look hard enough (which isn't all that hard) and the Shotokan roots are pretty obvious. WTF sparring is specifically designed to also have the effect of differentiating taekwondo from Shotokan. And since it is the style used in competition, yes as Exile said, a lot of schools do design their curriculums around it.

All of which leads those outside of taekwondo (and many of us within) shaking our heads.

Then there are the idiots who truly believe that WTF sparring is the same as effective SD.

I see! I think i will change my dojang. I asked my senior, he said that taekwondo is a kicking mainly martial arts and that hand moves are chinese kempo and karate.

I see! I think i will change my dojang. I asked my senior, he said that taekwondo is a kicking mainly martial arts and that hand moves are chinese kempo and karate.

Chinese kempo... whatta oxymoron...

Plus I'm afraid kinda narrow minded & visioned...

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