Gyokko Ryu technique Ren'yo

Bigshadow said:
I have got to start buying videos! :D That was a good demo video.


I've upgraded all my VHS to DVD so if there are any VHS titles you are after let me know as i will shortly get rid of them on Ebay.


Oh and I did not post this to critique Joe but to discuss the waza of Renyo!
Brian, I'm getting an error message when I try to play the video. I tried opening it through IE and downloading it first. Did we just slashdot Joe's site? :p
Edit: Nevermind. I just had a file association problem on my end. It's fixed now.
Oh and I did not post this to critique Joe but to discuss the waza of Renyo!

Thanks for the video. I hope Joe don't mind. So that is what renyo is... :lol: Yes, I have done that.

I don't know if this would be considered henka, but I like to end it a little faster, rather than keep maintaining the distance on each attack, I like closing the distance, maybe on the second punch, slipping it and taking their balance on their punch (not on the 1 and 2, but the 1 and...), could also be done on the kick. Maybe put something in the space their head or chest needs to occupy, forcing them to change shape on the half step. The go next... maybe take the head to their third point behind them, or their shoulder, or maybe a hip. I really don't know where or how I would go unless I was actually doing it. It all depends on the attacker.

Just some ideas I think would work. Of course my description probably changed it from renyo to something totally different altogether.
Hey I spent hours the other day looking for Renyo clips on the internet and today I just happened to this clip on Joe's site. I am sure he does not mind as we are driving traffic there! :rofl:

Of course there are lots of Henka off Renyo but the reason I like it is for the multiple attack punch/kick combination. That makes it pretty useful to work with in my mind.
Here is the only other henka that I have observed on the internet. It took me quite awhile to find this as well. It should give anther point to discuss the waza. Here is is:

Once again let's not be critical but continue to disucss the waza of Renyo.

I can see where it may be possible when the kick occurs to slip it and take the space uke needs for his hip and leg while shifting into a ganseke nage.

There could be a throw in there by dropping into the same spot I mentioned above while taking his grabbing hand to his third point (maybe even the one behind him via between his ankles). I believe by taking that space his hip and leg need to be in, he will be off balance and following through with the hand could be possible.

Possible? I dunno, looks like it might be. Of course I could be bonkers too! :p
I can see where it may be possible when the kick occurs to slip it and take the space uke needs for his hip and leg while shifting into a ganseke nage.

There could be a throw in there by dropping into the same spot I mentioned above while taking his grabbing hand to his third point (maybe even the one behind him via between his ankles). I believe by taking that space his hip and leg need to be in, he will be off balance and following through with the hand could be possible.

Possible? I dunno, looks like it might be. Of course I could be bonkers too! :p

No what you are descibing is possible I believe. :asian: Mention it to your instructor or give it a whirl in class and let us know.

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