Gun kata martial arts- is anyone else a little nervous about this?

Mr. E

Blue Belt
May 23, 2007
Reaction score

I wonder if I am alone in being a little nervous about this site and the people that do it.

The owner of it was at one point a member here at Martialtalk. I did a search.

He says time and time again that it is all just for fun and not meant to be realistic.

He seems honest about it. But something about playing with realistic looking weapons like this and trying to elevate it to the level of a martial art somehow strikes me as wrong.

Each individual part seems ok. People smack each other with rubber swords for fun, and they shoot each other in air soft combat for fun. It is just the idea of learning something that is really like a form of break dancing and calling it a martial art just does not sit right with me. When you start getting serious about playing with toy guns, it worries me.

I don't know. I have trouble with extreme martial arts weapon competitions. And they are very popular now. Maybe I am just too old, or take the whole concept of both firearms and martial arts too seriously. I have seen a lot of bad stuff, so maybe I am biased due to that.

How do others feel about stuff like this? Maybe other opinions that differ from mine can help me understand. Or it may be that others will let me know I am not alone in my reservations.
Well it is hard to take anything serious that was created from watching a movie!
It looks like a game and definately not a martial art in my opinion.
After looking at the website, all I am able to say is ""

I am interested again in seeing the movie, however.

I remember half-joking about making such a kata about 10 years ago, well before I had ever heard of the movie. In concept it seems like a good idea...but now seems a bit geeky when adding the phrase "...actual martial art/game...inspired by the movie..."
I guess our rec paintball team was a martial art, then. Heck, instead of just being captain.... I wuz really a soke and didn't even know it.

I believe time would have been better spent learning something else. I am with you Mr. E.
*rolls eyes* ... The only way it could be worse would be if someone took that example and said that training with firearms were impractical, impossible and not likely to be useful. ;)
and they call some of the things I do strange.
that was different to say the least
It's too bad that such a good movie (IMO) has to get it's name dragged through the mud with some wackjobs like this.

I thought the saying was "art imitates life", not the other way around. :idunno:
It's too bad that such a good movie (IMO) has to get it's name dragged through the mud with some wackjobs like this.

I thought it was an absolutely terrible movie, and after Ultraviolet I've decided that I'll never watch another film by the same director.
I thought it was an absolutely terrible movie, and after Ultraviolet I've decided that I'll never watch another film by the same director.

I just rented it based on this thread and I don't think it is too bad. It is just along the lines of the Future Utopia themed movies and books. Basically the same idea....If you want a utopian society, it has to be a dictatorship and there will be major disadvantages. Just like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, etc. While I don't think this movie compares to these classic novels, I like the occassional mindless violence interspersed with some philosophy.
I just rented it based on this thread and I don't think it is too bad. It is just along the lines of the Future Utopia themed movies and books. Basically the same idea....If you want a utopian society, it has to be a dictatorship and there will be major disadvantages. Just like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, etc. While I don't think this movie compares to these classic novels, I like the occassional mindless violence interspersed with some philosophy.

I think the correct term is "dystopia." :D
It looks like they're having fun, not hurting anyone and understand that this is playtime, not reality. What's the problem?
It looks like they're having fun, not hurting anyone and understand that this is playtime, not reality. What's the problem?

Because the ruin of my generation is predicated on the fact that apparently we tell reality from fiction anymore :)