First time testing my students on Saturday


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I'm having my 1st testing for my students on Saturday. I'm probably as nervous (for them & me) as they are. A good friend reminded me that, "It's yellow belt, not black belt they're testing for." I've sat on many testing boards. But this is the first time that they're all my students. I'll have a BB friend there to test them with me. I will go well, but I'm still nervous.

Ya see Jen, its not just students who get nervous at testing time.:)
Ha Ha!! You know, my instructor gets nervous before she tests us as well, especially the higher up we get. It just goes to show your heart is in the right place Iceman, you want your students to perform well because you care about them. They are lucky to have you!!
Watching my students test is always nerve-wracking for me, because I personally test very rarely, so the feedback they get on their testing performance is also the feedback I get on my instruction; if one person makes a particular error, then it's generally the person, but if several make the same mistake, then it's pointing out areas in which my instruction was lacking - and there are always areas.

Good luck to you and your students - and don't be surprised if you see things at testing that have never happened in class... I usually do!
It has always been a chore for me especially for the younger ones, they forget so easily. Just remember they are going to be yellow belts not Black belts and you will have a wondrful time. Remember to take picture for us and for yourself and school the first one is always priceless.
Best of luck to you and them. The only thing that I would add to the other posts is don't count out the possibility of failure for your students...don't fail them on purpose, but remember that they could fail and be honest with them...remembering it is a yellow belt though!

Good luck to all!
Good luck with your first test! I remember how nervous I always got before conducting a test and how shocked I was when when my Sabumnim told me even HE still gets nervous. Makes for a good time for all. :)

Just like I told Jen, they're looking for confidence, the students will pick right back up on any lack of confidence in YOU! Not to add any pressure or anything...:p

Have fun and remember, everyone will remember every mistake you make for about, um, 30 seconds. It's all in the Do. :)
I don't know if this personal experience will help you, but I'll share it anyway. When I opened my first school in 1978, I did not have to do my own test, as the tests were conducted by the ATA vice president, Master Rober Allemier, and my intructor, whom you know as Grandmaster Al Smith (he was 4th Dan then). I still got nervous, and had those same experiences of seeing where I was lacking in my teaching by watching my students. They all did well, and I was always proud.

I sat on many judging panels for the ATA back then, but the first time I ran my own test, for just my own students, was in 1776 (lol - I mean 1984). I invited two of my friends who had earned their Black Belts in the ATA as well. Before the test began, students were gathering, and parents were being seated. I was focused on the tasks at hand, and making sure everything would go just right.

One of my Black Belt friends sat comfortably on the couch in my office, slouched down, legs crossed, and casually said to me, "relax, what are you so nervous about?" I thought I was being rather composed, just diligent in my work. I wanted to look at him and say, "Sure, you have nothing to be nervous about. It's not your school, your students, or your test," but I didn't.

When the testing began, I stood up, introduced myself, and proceeded to introduce the other judges. At that moment, I drew a blank, and couldn't remember my friend's name. I had known him for years, yet I was at a loss. He chimed in with his own name, and I played it off as though I was joking. Anyway, the test went well, and I went on to become a great instructor! :lol2: :lol2:

You will do well, and if not, I'm sure your students will cover for you! :ultracool

Good Luck!
CM D. J. Eisenhart
Good Luck with your first testing experience. It's nice to know the students aren't the only ones who get nervous. :p :asian: :D
Good luck with the test! It is a sign of a dedicated instructor when he or she is nervous about the outcome as it is clear you care about your students.

Thank you all for your support! I know they'll do well. I guess it must be a bit like being a parent. :)
I can tell you care about what you are doing. That in and of itself is the major hurtle that will make or break someone. That is awesome. I know all will go well. I am sure that the students don't want to fail as I know you don't want them to fail.

It will be fine.
Lots of luck, iceman! It'll be just fine, especially if you think of it not as a test, necessarily, but an extension of class (or a celebration).
Best of luck to you Iceman! Who bettah than you?

I bet it will be a great experience all around. Your students will step away with (hopefully) new ranks, and you get the opportunity of seeing everyong prove how much they have learned from you.

Good thoughts and prayers heading in your direction :asian:
Thanks agains for your thoughts, prayers & kind words. It means a lot!
Well today's the big sure to let us know how it goes. :)
Well, we all got through it & all did well!:) I had a friend who runs the karate program sit in on the testing with me. He said that they exceeded his expectations for the belt! I thought they all did really well, also. I made sure I listed each student's strengths & "growing edges" to help them see more of what I'm looking for & what they need to work on.
Congrats Iceman!!! What a great feeling. I remember my first belt test, after I passed, when my instructor was tying on my new belt she told me how I did a good job and she was proud of me. What powerful words to hear at such a vulnerable time, I will never forget it. As instructors you have such an influence over your students. Your students will remember this always Iceman, way to go!!!
Iceman pat yourself on the back, sounds like you did a wonderful job with all the students. By the way did you get any pics?