favotite weapon



just for fun, what's everyone's favorite weapon?

favorite for practice
or favorite for self defense
or looks really sweet, so its your favorite even if you have no idea how to use it.
ok, i spelled "favorite" wrong, my bad.

my favorite is the staff for it's versatility.
Originally posted by Klondike93

Sorry couldn't help myself.

So far it's a toss up between the 24" long escrima stick and a knife.


Can it be both the Stick and Dagger? :D

If not then I would probably state the Wakazashi.
The Japanese short sword and paired with the
Katana. It has the length of the Eskrima stick
and the real nice edge.

I have a friend who says his favorite is is
sniper rifle, this allows him to shoot you from
so far away it is impossible for the average
person to even know where the shot came from.

But to each their own.


1) :apv:

2) :biggun:

3) :mp5:

4) :2pistols:

5) Anything sharp. :samurai:

:D ;) :D
Originally posted by Klondike93

Sorry couldn't help myself.

So far it's a toss up between the 24" long escrima stick and a knife.


I agree with this, with a really close up on a Jo-staff.

The most deadly weapon of all, of course....my hands and legs ;) J/K


My favourite is the four foot stick (Jo / Beggar staff), using the Chinese style of movement. Head becomes tail becomes head etc.etc. ad infinitum.

It really helped me understand combinations with the hands and feet and Judo combinations where the movement is reversed in a similar manner to with the staff.

My four foot stick taught me things that no teacher ever did (though my Sifu did put the stick in my hands and teach me how to use it).

My six foot staff taught me things too because it has a life of its own.
....I would have to have a list!! It depends on the day/what I am working on, but I would say:

1) Bo staff
2) Jo staff
3) Escrima sticks
4) Knife
5) Katana

In no particular order. I like to play with them all, for various reasons.

...at this point would be the short staff.

That's easy............


Well if I had to pick a weapon... i would want a light sabre.... hehehehehehehehe

May the force be with you.................:D
No, seriously: Katana. The #1 choice of professionnals! lol

-Bushido :samurai:
It would have to be a jutte...man I love that thing:D