Fantasy Congress


Dec 31, 2005
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I wasn't sure if I should post this here in the Bar & Grill, or in the study with so much of the other political discussion. Anyway, I ran across an internet game that is getting some press recently called Fantasy Congress. The politically inclined may get a kick out of it. It is like Fantasy Football but. . .well you'll get the point.
Politics has become a game for a group of California college students who have launched an online video game, "Fantasy Congress," in the lead-up to next month's U.S. congressional elections.

The game, officially launched on Monday, is a new spin on the popular online fantasy sports games where players chose a team of real-life players and tally points based on their statistical performance.
Fantasy Congress™ offers you the power to "play politics." As in other fantasy sports, you - the Citizen - draft a team of real-life legislators from the U.S. Congress and score points for your team's successes. Join a league and compete against other Citizens, or form a league of your own! Play against your friends, family, bloggers, fellow politicos, or even a sitting U.S. Senator (one could be playing incognito, you never know!). On weekends, move Members of Congress into your active line-up or off your team to strategize for the upcoming week of legislation!
First off who would want to be Bush and secondly Chaney, what a game.
Well, thank goodness! FF just wasn't satisfying my insatiable craving for statistics.

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