EPAK - Current Rank & Time in the System


  • White

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Purple

  • Blue

  • Green

  • 3rd Class Brown

  • 2nd Class Brown

  • 1st Class Brown

  • Black & Above

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1.5 years of EPAK back in 1996; triple-graded to Purple (fell ill immediately the next day... go figure)

Interrupted by work and other unavoidable obligations.

Now, more than a decade later, and after training pretty intensively since October 2008 (2 days at class, four at home): Purple in Kenpo 5.0; just graded about a month ago, and had a real blast!

Not going to stop this time; God willing.

3rd Brown when I left 20 years ago so I am equal to a white belt getting ready to test for yellow - miss it much.
I've been training since last july and will be an orange belt on march 26th. I am a 1st dan BB in TKD too, and started in American kenpo and just love it.

Five years (May 2d) Tested for Black May 7th. 5 best years of my life.
4 years- 3rd class brown. Japanese karate
1 year- just had my belt testing for green belt on Saturday and will get it next Thursady. Korean karate.
3rd Brown in EPAK as of yesterday. I started over 1.5 years ago and have been progressing fairly well. I have wanted to "finish up" my training in EPAK for sometime and have finally found a good place to train under a great head instructor. Hopefully in the next few months I will be standing before Mr. Sepulveda and testing for my 1st degree BB in EPAK.
EPAK guys, come on now. We don't bring up our rank in "other" styles in this thread. Or how long we have been training in non-EPAK styles.

If Kenpo guys want to list their ranks/experience inother arts, do so. I'm interested in everyone's story.
Hi All, This is my first post in the EPAK forum. I have been studying Kenpo for 10 months now and just got my Orange Belt in December. Cheers, Paul