EEk - Need a little kick in the pants


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
I got my bags packed...tomorrow is workout day, for the first time since mid April.

Right now I have butterflies in my stomach, just like those White Belt days...

I am such a dork! :D

(I will so die tomorrow...fall on my face and make a fool of myself!)
You'll be great.Go have fun & take it slowly. No need to try to do it the way you did in one night.

Glad you're back!
Stop whining and go train, please this is just plain stupid. Here is a kick :btg::whip: and also a hit in the head for good measure. Have fun and relax.

Thanks guys, I needed that!

(besides, my new belt has been collecting dust in the trainer's office....time to tie that baby on!)%-}
Butterflies in your tummy?? You shouldn't have eaten those caterpillers! hehe

Once you get into it, you'll do fine!
rofl, you guys crack me up.

well, I went and felt right at home - as always.

I noticed, the 30th squat was BURNING, as well as the 30th and 60th crunch...matter of fact feeling them right now.

We didn't do much of the actual TKD stuff today, mostly review work and working on SD skills...Saturday class is so cozy, even if you might feel out of place not sporting a Black Belt... :uhyeah: (but you wouldn't be, we loff our lower ranks, we started there, too.)

Feeling great!

Hey every time I've done somthing new I was a 'white belt' all over again. I've jumped out of airplanes, got my PADI divemasters, motorcycled over 50k miles.... Each time I started I was a newbie.

In a few weeks I'll be with our daughter at her digs in Dallas and we will go bowling. They call me Deaf "Gutter Ball" Smith for some reason. I'm new to bowling you might say.

Just enjoy it and keep your mind there while training.

Yep, too true. When you fall down 7 times you get up 8....

I am starting to notice where I neglected my workouts in the last 3'4 month...I hope the push ups will still let me lift the coffee mug up to my mouth in the morning....oh hell, what did they make straws for anyhow!

This has been the longest hiatus I had from TKD...and dammit, I am no spring chicken anymore, to get in shape takes longer and it also goes away quicker...SIGH

But as long as we walk we will carry on! LOL
Way to go getting back into training. Now work your *** twice as hard before those white belts catch up to you!

Glad you are back at it! Take it slowly-you didn't get or lose skills overnight, just conditioning! :(