ECW, 1 Night Stand....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
ECW went under years ago. Last night, they dusted off the name, and the attitude. A virtual who was who from the promotions glory days. So far, I haven't seen any negative reviews, and from what I've seen, it was awsome.

Makes me remember why I used to watch it regularly. The tribute to the departed talent was one of the more respectful that I've seen, and the matches themselves were....Extreme!

Anyone else catch it?
not been on the site in a while but the ecw pay per view was sweet i seen the wwe one but not the shane douglass one, but it is funny cause watching the show i problay have met all most every one in the ring at one time or another
So, Dreamer goes through a flaming table, that doesn't hurt him, it was the shinai to the ear that did the damage. Ouch. That moonsault from the balcony by SuperCrazy was nuts. DVD out tomorow. Gee I wonder if WalMart is carying it? LOL

A move in which a wrestler executes a backflip and lands on an opponent. A basic moonsault is generally attempted from the top rope, though myriad variations exist. Much of its popularity in America can be attributed to the Great Muta, also known as Keiji Mutoh.
From :


I tried doing one a few years back....not a good idea, came close to breaking my neck.

Here's a clip of someone who can do it....

And, a not so good one:
Anything that makes wrestling better is a plus. I got into wrestling at the height of the WWF/WCW rivalry. Then it was exciting. After the merger it slowly became lame and I stopped watching.
If a mutual friend wasn't so worried about his insurance rates, I could show ya in person. LOL!!! (He's why theres never any chairs near me when I spar.) LOL!
80s-90's I almost never missed a PPV. I was very happy last night to see Flair almost go like he did when he was at his prime. I give Angle props for helping motivate Ric to do it. :) I've got a large collection of tapes, WWF, NWA, WCW and some AWA. A little ECW but it wasn't really broadcast much here. :) I've even got a small spot on for it. Low traffic sadly.
Kaith Rustaz said:
If a mutual friend wasn't so worried about his insurance rates, I could show ya in person. LOL!!! (He's why theres never any chairs near me when I spar.) LOL!
We'll work something out next time I'm in! Hopefully that'll be in August.
bradshaw is being sued by Meannie for the damage done. Everyone on the wrestling forums that was back stage said the fght continued inthe back and it was for real.
I would have liked to have seen Shane Douglas's event the night befor.
Sabo, Funk, And one other in a barbed wire match that went about 30 minutes.

I truly miss the old ECW