Door Pull Up Gyms


2nd Black Belt
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
How do you like these put over your door pull up gyms? Do they mess your door up? I want one but worried that it will mess up the door frame. Please let me know if these work or not.

I use the IronGym and have been highly pleased with it. No damage to the door whatsoever. I have even taken it with my when traveling. It is an outstanding piece of equipment.

So it doesnt break the top trim board where that back bar braces on top of that?
So it doesnt break the top trim board where that back bar braces on top of that?

That is only for stabilization when the gym is not used. You aren't hanging off the millwork, your weight keeps the gym in place through leverage and angles of the other pieces.
You can always get these pads...normally used for chairs to protect hardwood floors.
You can get them at Walgreens or Walmart...places like that

I'm 250lbs. and when using mine in my old apartment (don't have a proper door frame to use it in my current one) the only problem I had was the paint rubbing off the molding where the front bars rubbed against it. Using something like what ShelleyK recommended should prevent that problem. My weight on the doorframe wasn't an issue.

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