Do you have the right to teach your child anything you want?

Yup, I knew I should not have looked at this thread again

Hate speech is one thing, hate crime is another but WRITTING it on a 7 year old girl is something completely different. Is it child endangerment? I have no idea but it sure as hell could endanger the child if the WRONG person saw it. Parent (and I use the term loosely in this case) good, bad or ugly does it give you the right to do this? I am hoping not. But then teaching them racist ideals at home could be equally as dangerous to a 7 year old in the wrong place at the wrong time but it sure as HELL would not be as obvious as WRITTING on her body.

I'm sorry but IMO her adult keepers, because they sure as hell are not parents, should not be writing on a childs body.
The real question is... Does Obama have the right to teach anything he wants to your child? --Deaf

Nope. Obama doesn't have a teaching certificate. But if he's doing some private tutoring at the Whitehouse, I'd sign my boy up. If it's free, anyway.

...but the 'government' does the same thing many times and being in a state school, you have no choice but for them to listen to it. --Deaf

What'ya mean "no choice"??? Hey, I'm a high school teacher and I can tell you, for a fact, that damn few kids choose to listen to anything I say. ...Well, like they say, "it's a free country".

Oh and about the topic... the little girl with hate speech written all over her body... my feelings are pretty much what Xue said.

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