Different Filipino Weapons

Originally posted by arnisandyz
Thanks for posting that Leo. The Barong doesn't look bad, but its missing the metal ferrule (collar) around the throat of the handle. It looks kind of weak with just the wood and two small pins holding it. I doubt that anyone would use it for heavy chopping (kind of expensive to use as a machete or ax), but that metal collar is more for just looks, it really strengthens the handle to blade connection.

I have this one from Atlanta Cutlery http://www.atlantacutlery.com/ethnic.html
its heavy steel but not sharpened. I use it more for training than actual use, but I guess you could sharpen it if you wanted an actual working barong. Suckers heavy - about 1/4 along the spline that tapers down to the edge, quality is good, but the sheath came overly laquered. I ended up sanding it all off and finishing the natural wood.

I haven't gotten to handle one of the Cold Steel ones yet but, I agree, they don't look very sturdy. there isn't much of a tang and there is very little reinforcment. I have two of the Atlanta ones and I love the feel. They are pretty heavy and fairly authentic in features and dimentions. Like you I have only used it for training as I don't like the idea of a barong for work (that's what kukris are for).
Hi Andy,

Ray mentioned the Atlanta Cutlery barong a few days ago - he was positively impressed. Can't go wrong with that price either.

BTW, I did a search on eBay and found out Ron Balicki is selling a barong with a starting bid of $44.99 - doesn't say anything about Cold Steel, but looks a lot like it.


Interestingly, Balicki has been selling CS barongs that didn't pass quality control as "strictly wall hangers" for $129.99 on his website:


I showed Ray my AC Barong about three years ago and he liked it. Its a good piece, nice enough to hang on your wall and sturdy enough to train with.

That's strange that Balicki is selling rejects for only $10 less than the MSRP of a good one. And on ebay before the CS release date.
Originally posted by arnisandyz

That's strange that Balicki is selling rejects for only $10 less than the MSRP of a good one. And on ebay before the CS release date.

Not to mention the big difference in price between what he's selling on eBay and the rejects on his website (assuming it's the same product, and it sure looks like it is). Strange indeed...
Originally posted by kenpo12
What kind of a weapon is a barong? Last time I checked "barong referred to a traditional shirt or a dance. In what dialect or tribe is this weapon referred to as a barong?



More specifically the term "barong tagaolg" (barong for short) refers to the sheer overshirt worn as formal wear in the PI.

The barong (the cutting tool) itself appears to be utilized throughout the Visayas and Mindanao; not sure about Luzon. I'm not sure which dialect but the prevalent ones are Illongo, Cebuano, Waray-Waray and Bisaya. I'm not really up on all of the languages in Mindanao. Check out the Tanakalang Ginto search engine. You may be able to find out more though somthing you find linked there.

Tim Kashino
i bought the cs barong off ebay, and for the price you can't beat it. it is well put together in no way flimsy, and could be used if need to fight.
I've picked up two AC barongs from trades and I love'um. I haven't gotten to handle the CS one, but I don't like the space it looks like it has in the tang/hilt interface. Besides the AC one is pretty close to a traditional design pattern, whereas the CS one has had some artistic and structural freedoms taken in design, it looks like.

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