Did ya miss me?


MTS Alumni
Mar 15, 2006
Reaction score
Just wanted to say hi to all the great people here after my long absense.

I was kind of avoiding anything to do with martial arts for a while as I couldn't train. That was seriously depressing me. For a while, the problems with my left hip and pelvis were getting worse at an alarming rate. However, I've recently had surgery. Hopefully by mid-fall I'll be able to start training again. On the other hand, I've had lots of time (maybe too much) for shooting. It was nice to kick some dust off of some neglected areas.

Well, it's good to see ya'll again.

AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Who let him back on the board?!?!?! :D

No, Jeff, I didn't miss you ;)

Please everyone refer to this post, this post, this post and this post.

to see why. :p

Actually..glad to have you back Jeff. I missed you, can't remember why, but I did. :)
Hope all is well. Great to have you back. Do some FMA's for a while. :) We just got a new TKD student with the same issue and he needed to give the legs a little break.

Well at least you are shooting! :mp5:
One of the guys in our class had hip replacement surgery a couple of years ago. He doesn't kick as well as he used to, although he says it is more of a mental limitation than physical one. However, his hands have improved dramatically.

Have fun!
You were gone? :lol2:

Welcome back! Hope you heal thoroughly, rapidly and easily.
Hey, thanks for all the welcome backs and support. Good to be back here again. I just can't believe that I completely forgot about Lisa. Jeesh.
Welcome back Jeff!!:ultracool
