Demographics: Are you married, in a domestic partnership, divorced, or single?

Are you married, in a domestic partnership, divorced, or single?

  • Married (male/female)

  • Married (same gender)

  • Domestic Partnership (male/female)

  • Domestic Partnership (same gender)

  • Divorced (previously married)

  • Single (never married)

Results are only viewable after voting.


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
This has been an issue in the USA lately. I am curious about the demographics of those who frequent MartialTalk. Please respond to the poll. Considering this can be a rather sensitive issue with some people, you do not have to post comments regarding your choice with the poll.

Thank you,

- Ceicei
I'm g/f cause I am so busy and also want to wait til college to get involved romantically at all...just girl-friends right now...

I object! ;)

In the state of Michigan the person who files for divorce is listed as being single and the other person in the dissolved relationship is listed as being divorced. I voted Divorced, yet legally I am single, and have the documentation to prove it :D

Nice Poll!
edhead2000 said:
Single :(:waah:

Nobody wants me
My dear there is a big difference between nobody wants you and no one can have you. ;):asian:
Rich Parsons said:
My dear there is a big difference between nobody wants you and no one can have you. ;):asian:
What's THAT supposed to mean!?!?!
The Technopunk is Divorced. Apparently No one can put up with him for long. :(
Single until Sept. '05. Although I might as well be married. I live with her and we act like we are already married. The only real differance is that my stuff is still my stuff and I don't have a ring.

To edhead and S.wolf: Enjoy it while you can. Being single is a blessing. I'm already doomed, my fate is decided and I haven't even gone through with it yet.
Married (2nd time around). First one was way too early, problems from the get go but stuck it out for 9 years (9 looooooong years). Got 3 great kids out of it, though, so I wouldn't trade the pain 'cause the pleasure the kids give me was worth it. Been with my current wife for 5 years and have only had the standard married couple problems that help you grow as a couple.
Ceicei said:
This has been an issue in the USA lately. I am curious about the demographics of those who frequent MartialTalk. Please respond to the poll. Considering this can be a rather sensitive issue with some people, you do not have to post comments regarding your choice with the poll.

Thank you,

- Ceicei
Divorced and living in sin with my next ex-wife(ha ha).
Also I have one future kenpo goddess.
Future ex wife??..*chuckles...gotta love it
Married (goin' on 12 yrs.) and 3 kiddos......ah my misspent youth.....
edhead2000 said:
Single :(:waah:

Nobody wants me

Hmm.......who sent me the reputation points saying they wanted me? :) hehe. I wanna know!!
I'd have to hack the database to find out...and then you'd have to figure out how to get me to talk. ;)
Kaith Rustaz said:
I'd have to hack the database to find out...and then you'd have to figure out how to get me to talk. ;)
Oooh, this could be fun!
And to my "sekret admirer"......yes I am ticklish......and Bob.....don't get mad at me for being off topic! It's not my fault I don't know who he is! :) At least I hope it's a he.
edhead2000 said:
And to my "sekret admirer"......yes I am ticklish......and Bob.....don't get mad at me for being off topic! It's not my fault I don't know who he is! :) At least I hope it's a he.

I'm not suprised you have a secret admirer. You have quite a cute little picture on your profile.