Decided to say hello.

Having secured my release from Azkaban through superior intellect, massive amounts of fine scotch and a not so insubstantial bribe slipped to some guy named Fudge shortly before he was packed, I have returned. I see several changes have transpired during my absence, including the removal of those awful morris dancers, an improvement I must say. I seem to have a small amount of reading to catch up on so I'll depart now to beat my man servant.

I think I remember this episode(s)! My son and I have been watching the resuns on BBC America.
Azkaban??? I heard it was the Phantom Zone....Whatever..Welcome back..
It's good to be back. My extended vacation was an planned for event, however the past is past. I look forward to returning to being a regular pain in the backsides of muggles and mundanes, while entertaining and confounding all others here. It is good to know that I have been missed, and that I have missed you all as well. Except for the whiny git by the staircase with his feet on the table. You'll excuse me, I have to teach him some manners. Can someone loan me a pencil?

Don't be fooled...he already has 2.



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