damn hurricane


Richard S.

i live in north carolina..."fran"came through and tore the place up...if "isabel"hits its gonna make "fran" look like a spring shower......and im sweatin it out.........
I got the fingers crossed for y'all that the weather-geeks are wrong.

Be safe.
ack.. just checked on the Hurricaine course.. comes way far inland.. this does not bode well for the east coast~!!

*battening down our hatches too..


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This one is supposed to be a doosey (sp). The site that I was looking at was saying that there have only been 2 others anywhere near the strength of this one for a long long time. Andrew and Camille. To all of you on the coast my prayers are with you. I expect to get some rough weather up here in the mountains off of it but nothing like what you guys will have to put up with.
good luck, its missing us down here in miami yahoo to that. Start stocking up on supplies now and dont forget to keep some cash on hand for when the power gets knocked out.
Holy S!

Is that forcast accurate? That things projected right through Buffalo and Toronto!

Geeze, and all these years I thought it would be the snow that got me. :)

Seriously....best wishes to everyone.

MT will be up, the servers in Colorado.:)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Holy S!

Is that forcast accurate? That things projected right through Buffalo and Toronto!

Geeze, and all these years I thought it would be the snow that got me. :)

Seriously....best wishes to everyone.

MT will be up, the servers in Colorado.:)

Yeppers Bob, get ready.. it's gonna be a big one~!!

I got that this morning~!

We're getting warnings up here in NJ as well -- supposedly it will hit us Thursday or Friday. The last one I remember is Gloria, back in the late '80's. Some of the stations up here have said that this storm will make Gloria look like a picnic in comparison. That doesn't bode well, because I'm pretty sure Gloria was still sporting 80+ mph winds when it hit us.

Good luck everyone and be safe!
i bought 4 cases of water,4 cases of clam chowder and 4 cases of beer.......if the storm misses.......PARTY AT MY HOUSE YA'ALL!!!

What does this mean for this weekend?


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Yeah, that's kinda sorta comin right for us...*looks at dorm hall, looks at the tornado proof science building* can I live there instead of here???

ah, and maybe they'll cancel the football game and Martinsburg show so I'll be able to come to the seminar and to dinner *hopeful grin*

but i'm gonna call mom and ask her for supply money since this school breaks down way too easily... (by the school, i mean my college)
Well now Rich when you add the color belt system found in your picture it does look kinda scary. Tess's picture didn't make it look to bad... it looks mean. I would run. ;)

You know the only time we get rain here in El Paso is when a hurricane slams into Texas. We need the rain send it our way.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Yeah, that's kinda sorta comin right for us...*looks at dorm hall, looks at the tornado proof science building* can I live there instead of here???

ah, and maybe they'll cancel the football game and Martinsburg show so I'll be able to come to the seminar and to dinner *hopeful grin*

but i'm gonna call mom and ask her for supply money since this school breaks down way too easily... (by the school, i mean my college)
We may wind up having a hurricane party at the school, all we have to do is find someone to take Sadie out periodically.
What supposedly is going to make this one so nasty is it's size. Evidently it's over 700 miles in width, according to the Weather Channel. Even if it hits the outer banks of NC, we would still get hit pretty hard up here in the northeast.

Supposedly the winds are slowing down though -- as of last night it was a class 3 -- so there's still hope.
Let's all focus our collective chi, and push the storm back out!

Seriously, us Floridians are wiping our brow, and keeping ya'll in our thoughts.
If you've got the clam chowder, I'll be there! And I know where you live!

Seriously, me and the better half had a terrific time Friday night, let's get together again. Soon!

How's the ankle?

Bill Parsons