Critical Mass???

When you have two equally matched opponents and size being the only difference it will come down to heart. Who wants it the most, and who has no choice but to win.
I believe the relavent formula is Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * M * (V squared). Ultimately it's more complicated with reference both to the attacker (rootedness) and the recipient (6" of fat works like a terrific chest protector). The choice and formation of weapon is also important as energy delivered over a smaller area affects the recipient differently than energy spread more broadly. The physics are immensely complicated. Add the psycholgical aspect (or Heart as Rob correctly points out) and size is a factor but not the only factor. Fortunately, although each of us can do little to change our genetic predisposition as to height we can train to control the technical aspects.

Kenpodoc said:
I believe the relavent formula is Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * M * (V squared). Ultimately it's more complicated with reference both to the attacker (rootedness) and the recipient (6" of fat works like a terrific chest protector). The choice and formation of weapon is also important as energy delivered over a smaller area affects the recipient differently than energy spread more broadly. The physics are immensely complicated. Add the psycholgical aspect (or Heart as Rob correctly points out) and size is a factor but not the only factor. Fortunately, although each of us can do little to change our genetic predisposition as to height we can train to control the technical aspects.


What is the numerical constant for the psychological (heart) aspect, and where exactly would it fit into the equation? I am guessing it would be the inverse cube root of pi, and this would be the final divisor of the original equation? I'm not a mathemetician, but this would be my guess...
Gou's sig had it best: It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog. Unless it's a really big dog with a lot of fight. Then your pretty much outta luck.
Kenpodoc said:
I believe the relavent formula is Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * M * (V squared).

You just might have to sit and talk with me about that. I'm not quite sure what that means. Are you trying to say that a guy my size can still hit damned near as hard as a bigger guy?
jfarnsworth said:
You just might have to sit and talk with me about that. I'm not quite sure what that means. Are you trying to say that a guy my size can still hit damned near as hard as a bigger guy?
Yes and no. The actual physics of combat are much more complicated than a simple formula. But take the 2 of us, I outweigh you but you sure hit harder than me.
If I can ever make it to a monday evening it would be a good topic of discussion.

The essence of the formula is that velocity is more important than mass. But martial arts involves travel through multiple joints making the energy calculations much more difficult. When Huk talks about "false travel" one of the things he is referring to is velocity in an ineffective vector.

i was teach a self-defense move to my daughter, she was 9 at the time, i'ev wieghed over 200 for some time any way she's much smaller. i demonstrated how to execute the move she connected to the groin area my critical mass dropped