Coronavirus/Covid 19

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Interesting development

Per relatives in China...the Coronavirus comes form America
Per other contacts in China....spreading rumors will now get you arrested and.....Truth is what the government tells you it is....that is all

My wife spends a great deal of time on Korea TV channels. According to her, Korea gets more blame when China is trying to shift blame. That is complicated as it revolves around the travels of members of a cult even the everyday Korean wasn't aware of. They are pretty much more aware now as many of the sort of secret workings of the cult are getting a lot of attention and exposure (no pun intended) right now, both from the government and news media.
I am working through changes to how we train temporarily. The way we normally train is normally very sweaty and high contact. That doesn't seem wise until we know more.

Time to change up the curriculum and have everybody train long pole?

Boy, that would have really upped the enrollment in my old association. They made you wait years to learn the pole form. I can just imagine all the intermediates thinking, "Wow, thanks to Covid 19, I can actually train with the pole ...and stay like 10 feet away from everybody at the same time." :)

Or you could just do forms and solo conditioning :(.
No Coronavirus in Greenland


105 and climbing in NY

And before Tez weighs in again with her worries about the plumbing, let me clarify:

No I didn't have worries about plumbing, my comment was about making a mountain out of a molehill, ie going to strange lengths just to wipe your backside, use water for goodness sake as they do in the Middle East and Asia.

Yes lots of people are going to get this virus and those people are going to be very surprised they aren't very ill, those that will die are dying already from serious conditions that the virus will exacerbate. The virus on it's own doesn't kill.

In the UK and the EU, plans for epidemics and pandemics were sorted years ago, the politicians aren't responsible for them, the medical agencies, utility and others responsible for the infrastructure laid them down, the Civil Service here in the UK and their equivalents elsewhere will do their usual jobs of holding everything together.
Plan from UK dated 2006. Contingency planning for a possible flu pandemic
We had a federal pandemic response team in 2018, but we fired them all in a perge of government officials.
Medical agencies?

Oh no, we got rid of those and replaced them with a little thing called Freedom!

and the CDC is what, chopped liver? You don't have medical officers in charge of public health ie Surgeon General?
Sort of we do, but it's strange times. They don't appear to be in charge.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make this political.
It was a blustery, windy night last night. As I was pounding my beat I was approaching a group of kids around twenty years old waiting curbside for their ride. One of them was seeing how far he could spit on the side walk, big spits all over the place. One of his loogies almost hit an old woman in the face. I snatched him by the scruff of his neck and shook him like a bad puppy. Told him I was going to wipe up the spit with his foofoo haircut. My Captain happened to be approaching from the other side, saw everything that happened.

Right at this time his ride pulled up, his mom, I still have the kid by the scruff. My Captain told the mom what had just happened. God bless her, she got out of the car and slapped that boy so hard. Told him "wait until I tell your father about this."

Good mom.
It was a blustery, windy night last night. As I was pounding my beat I was approaching a group of kids around twenty years old waiting curbside for their ride. One of them was seeing how far he could spit on the side walk, big spits all over the place. One of his loogies almost hit an old woman in the face. I snatched him by the scruff of his neck and shook him like a bad puppy. Told him I was going to wipe up the spit with his foofoo haircut. My Captain happened to be approaching from the other side, saw everything that happened.

Right at this time his ride pulled up, his mom, I still have the kid by the scruff. My Captain told the mom what had just happened. God bless her, she got out of the car and slapped that boy so hard. Told him "wait until I tell your father about this."

Good mom.
I haven't heard that phrase in a while. We need to hear it more often.
Sort of we do, but it's strange times. They don't appear to be in charge.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make this political.
It isn't political. It is simply the truth. We have an administration that cannot seem to get its priorities straight, and a president who thinks his self-centered opinion matters when he wants to override scientists and medical and public health professionals.
This is a reminder that political threads are not allowed here. Keep it non-political, or the thread will be locked.

Mark A Cochran
@Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator
I taught a small class last night with no contact, which was very difficult. There is certainly work to be done without contact, but I realize that my instruction style is pretty hands on. We have some dialogue going on about what to do and no drastic decisions are being made yet on a group level. I think that our risk of exposure and transmission is very high. One of us has a vulnerable parent at home and I have one of those conditions that makes me (somewhat) immuno-compromised.

I have stated that no one will visit during this time, however long that is.

I let my students know today that if any of them lose income as a result of this, that dues will be waived (assuming we're still training). That's a real possibility because businesses like restaurants and markets are not being patronized at normal rates.

I've also proposed either having our classes earlier or shortening them so that we (I) can get a full 8 hours of sleep (we normally train until 10pm). I think that 8 hours can make a difference to the immune system and I normally sacrifice sleep, but I'm planning on prioritizing it for a while.

I may try to dust off some crane forms that I haven't taught or practiced in a while, just to introduce some new challenges that don't involve cramming our hands in each other's faces.

Things like Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer are almost at a black market, out of a guy's trunk level in Seattle right now, but we're cleaning as best we can with what we have and hand washing before and after class. Not touching your face is good training. Fortunately my SiFu made a big deal out of it with me years ago, so I can do it, but I haven't been as hard on my students, so it's more difficult for them.

Sorry about tipping us into politics, I didn't ... I shouldn't have done that. The facts are that tests aren't available to us and we don't know what we don't know right now.
Sorry about tipping us into politics, I didn't

I don't think it can be helped because how countries leaders manage a situation is always going to be of huge concern. Good planning is the key, and that planning be done by experts in their field.
Just had the first confirmed case in my very city :s. A lady just got back from a trip to the US being unwell, and turns out she had coronavirus. She worked two shifts at the shopping centre where my partner works!

Still mass shortages of toilet paper too hehe. But overall I'm not worried. I think the effect of the belief systems you hold is quite dramatic on your immune system. People have gotten seriously sick due to simply believing that disease is all around them and they're in constant danger. So of course being sensible is a good idea, but mass panic can really convince people of very destructive things.
love. All schools and kindergardens in my country (Poland) will be closed since monday.
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