Cat thrown in bin by complete stranger

Whilst the action itself was indeed one to be reviled, the reaction over here has been nothing short of hysterical and very disturbing, with multiple death threats.

It is a chilling reminder of how manipulated people are by the various forces of media now, particularly 'Trial By YouTube'.
Whilst the action itself was indeed one to be reviled, the reaction over here has been nothing short of hysterical and very disturbing, with multiple death threats.

It is a chilling reminder of how manipulated people are by the various forces of media now, particularly 'Trial By YouTube'.

I actually suggested on Twitter this morning that I'd love to trade media frenzies. We'll take your Wheelie Bin Cat Lady and you take our Ground Zero Mosque frenzy. Both stories re being fueled by complete lunatics, screeching for blood like a pack of mongrels.
When I first saw this I was shocked.

I also linked the news story at the bottom of the clip.
We should all be so lucky that the general public would be equally outraged by a similar act committed against a human being....
I also heard the story of a mom killing two boys then strapping them in a car to look like they drowned.

SC police: Mom killed children before sinking car
Yeah that was in the news pretty big here and she had a hard time getting the insanity plea.

Still arbitrarily tossing in a cat on what seems like a whim is pretty mean out and out.
I think just plain meanness.
It's something completely bizarre and seems totally without any reason. I love cats and hate to see cruelty to any beastie but the media coverage is totally OTT. The woman has been named and I believe the RSPCA will take her to court but to receive death threats from all over the world is just too much. She'll probably lose her job too according to one newspaper and be hounded out of where she lives. Her act of madness is equalled by the media and many people.
Whilst it is true that the media and such has really pushed this to the limit, People should be aware that a very large amount of people are extremely passionate about animals, especially Pets like Dogs and Cats and treat Animal Cruelty much more aggressively then human beings. Im hardly supprised about the reaction of communities around the world. It happens every time these stories occur.

We had a similar occurrence locally last year I think it was with a guy tying up and torturing and cutting the throats numerous dogs of a particular breed. Had the entire community here locally on edge crying out for blood.

Yet the murder of a person doesn't get nearly as much media attention unless its high profile. Crazy world we live in.

That's because we do something about murder, eh?

We don't leave it to mob outrage. Arrest, indictment, trial, sentencing...
That's because we do something about murder, eh?

We don't leave it to mob outrage. Arrest, indictment, trial, sentencing...

Here the RSPCA take animal cruelty cases to court and succesfully get custodial sentences as well as fines and bans on keeping pets on cruel owners and others mistreating animals.
Now she's needing police protection which means man hours spent doing something that could frankly be better spent doing something useful like fighting crime.
Whilst it is true that the media and such has really pushed this to the limit, People should be aware that a very large amount of people are extremely passionate about animals, especially Pets like Dogs and Cats and treat Animal Cruelty much more aggressively then human beings. Im hardly supprised about the reaction of communities around the world. It happens every time these stories occur.
We had a similar occurrence locally last year I think it was with a guy tying up and torturing and cutting the throats numerous dogs of a particular breed. Had the entire community here locally on edge crying out for blood.
Yet the murder of a person doesn't get nearly as much media attention unless its high profile. Crazy world we live in.

Yeah, that's why they reacted this way. They didn't get outraged because they hate animals.
That's because we do something about murder, eh?

We don't leave it to mob outrage. Arrest, indictment, trial, sentencing...

I suspect that such stories get news coverage and therefore generate public outrage because they are still rare enough that we are shocked. Sadly, we're not as shocked by a taxi driver being stabbed or a child molested as we are by a person throwing a cat in a trash can. We're numbed to every day horrors; it's only the unusual that gets our attention now.

I'll give you an example. Remember the woman who put her kids in the car and drove them into the lake, drowning them? Yeah, it made the news all over the world. Did you know it happened again the other day? No?

Remember the first time a female teacher was arrested for having sex with a student? Sure, but what about all the times it has happened since then?

It's just a guess, but I don't think it's so much about crimes against people versus crimes against animals - just more what's still shocking to us based on how frequently or rarely we see it.

It's just not shocking anymore.
First, this is a wierd story. At first, I thought it was staged, because the action was framed so well in this "security" camera. But that aside, it just seemed so arbitrary and spontaneous (and mean).

That being said, I don't disagree with comments about how the coverage is OTT and that hysteria is being built. I can believe that the lady doesn't know why she did that. I've seen stuff like that before. And while what she did was certainly wrong in that the cat could easily have been killed, it wasn't harmed in the end.

But regarding animals vs humans, my personal theory is that pets like dogs and cats are very trusting. Just to be clear, this is strictly speculation on my part. To many people, the dog and cat represent unconditional love and loyalty. Harming an animal like this is akin to harming a small child, who shares many of these same traits. There's a naive loyalty and a stoicism in animals. They don't get mad when you're not there. They're just happy to see you when you are. They appreciate being scratched and hang out. They don't need much and appreciate what they have.

Much the same as a person randomly doing harm to a child, you have to be pretty despicable to randomly harm someone's pet.

As to why this is causing such a stir? I think it's because it was caught on tape and the woman was identified. You have a senseless act of cruelty. You have film of it happening. And you have a clear villain. It's tailor made for viral hysteria!
The things I want to do to people like this would get me some hard time and banned from here, so I will just bite my tongue.

Very similar feelings to those that Bill mentioned about the mosque issue.