Case Study: Intruder in the home


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
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WARNING: Audio clip of 911 call is extremely disturbing (A moderator may want to take a look to see if this should be removed or modified).

You have to register on their forum, but its quick.

(found this website thru Kenpotex)


An intruder is determined to get inside your home.

Are you prepared? Do you have a plan? Are other people living in the household on the same page as you to execute the plan?

This thread is intended to help our loved ones and ourselves to deal in a real world situation. In no way am I putting down the victims. What happened to these ladies is extremely unfortunate and I for one would never want this to happen to anyone.

Any ideas or thoughts you can share to help people on this forum?

If you do get the chance to dial 9-1-1 (emergency phone number in USA) the police can not get there in seconds. Telling the goof that you have the police on the line may not stop the goof from attacking you.
No Hawke,

It's like those Brinks burgler alarm commericals I see on TV. Why they will all run!

Yes none will cut the lines, none will just not care and come in and kill cause they are despirate for drugs, or money, or just plain crazy.

And we all know how wonderful the response times are in places like D.C. The cops will be johnny-on-the-spot (along with CSI to determine how you died.)

Yes have a plan. Include 911 and the cops in the plan. But you are the first and last line of defense. Always were, and always will be.

Just for comparison...

Read this one and listen to the tape of the call (the link is near the top of the story). Here we see how things can end differently if the intended victim is prepared to defend themselves.

You know kenpotex, think of how all those thriller movies would be if when the damsel in destress, backed in to a corner, just whipped out her .38 and did in the bad guy.... no wait, that would stop the show in the first 10 minutes, can't have that. And in some states, can't have it like that either, right?

Glad I'm in Texas.

Glad to hear a call where the intended victim survived.

I hear detectives mention how surprised people are when bad things happen to them. That this cannot be happening. I live in a good neighborhood. I'm a good person.

Hopefully people will have a plan in advance and not wait until the last second to think up of one.
You know kenpotex, think of how all those thriller movies would be if when the damsel in destress, backed in to a corner, just whipped out her .38 and did in the bad guy.... no wait, that would stop the show in the first 10 minutes, can't have that. And in some states, can't have it like that either, right?

Glad I'm in Texas.

that's why I can't watch those movies...I get annoyed by all the "I can't believe this is happening...please don't hurt me" instead of "come get some! :ak47: " :D
Well, those 3 calls were certainly eye opening. Regarding the first 2...IMO, alot of valuable information was not obtained. The first caller seems to be cut off by the dispatcher when she was giving her address, unless it was intentionally removed.

The 3rd clip that was posted seems to have gone much better. The dispatcher got alot of necessary info. right away, and got people going. Its good to see that the woman was not charged, as I'm sure many lawyers would try to turn the situation around, making the victim out to be the bad one.

And yes, it certainly can seem like its taking forever for help to arrive. People seem to think that once they call, the cops will be beamed to the location like you'd see in Star Trek. Given the large area that they have to patrol, it does take time, despite the lights and sirens.

Having a plan is certainly a good thing. An alarm, a dog, motion sensor lights in dark areas, good locks on doors and windows, and even a weapon are all things to consider, as well as a plan of action in the event the person does make entry into your house.

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